Astrologers every where were speaking about Saturn turning Retrograde at 20 degrees back on April 29th, joining Pluto and his Retrograde at 23 degrees and both in Capricorn preparing us for the Rules of Engagement, the Rules of Change and Transformation, most importantly for us to watch for is the South Node of the Moon is joining the party and moving towards the 20 degrees mark. This is like the Brat Pack out for a 3 Martini lunch; rolling the dice, lounging back with a sip and letting them fall where they may, laughing all the while at the puny humans below navigating through the chaos of emotion.
Pluto is the Planet of Change, Endings and Transformation. He shows up where the changes are going to be made, but he takes a back seat after making his positional declaration and waits for either Uranus or Saturn and sometimes Jupiter to show up and create those changes, ending and transformations. Enter Saturn. Now, Pluto and Saturn have been hanging out together in Capricorn since December 2017, ushering in the bells of change; looming a black cloud in the air over the times to come. 2018 endings for many; nearly as many as 2012. Many Astrologers are focusing more on these aspects come January 2020 where they peak and cross each other, also joined by Jupiter and the Sun. They are all afraid of what may come; big changes for sure, transformations for sure, endings, for sure. But we are already in and living in that energy, we are here, and I feel the highlight and the one area that is being ignored is the South Node of the Moon. So, what does all this mean – to me?
The South Node of the Moon is the past, past lives, things that we already know and have become a part of our lives. The South Node (SN) are the things we should be moving away from, but become so proficient and conditioned in and to that it is just so easy to allow them to continue as the status quo, while the North Node (NN) is the direction we are heading, our new path for this life and that can be a little scary; venturing out into unknown territory, but it can also be refreshing and exhilarating to do something out of the norm and actually follow your heart’s desires. With the NN in Cancer for 18 months (until May of 2020) that means the SN is in Capricorn for this same length of time. They are always the polar opposites and we are all born with specific North and South Nodes, but that is for another blog. NN in Cancer, as I have written and recorded a video about, is time spent focusing on Self-Nurturing, the home, the nest and our emotions to name just a few key pieces. It is the ability to place the self in front so that we can be much more muchier for all those we care about. Giving and receiving the emotional support that is required for a healthy life and healthy relationships; free to be you, free to be me. The NN is about finding true and real fulfillment in our lives; exploring all the emotions within us and clearing them helps us to evolve towards total fulfillment. Now the SN in Capricorn is the complete opposite of this loving energy. It is all the relationships and emotions that do not promote our true and best selves, that hold us back, that have conditioned us to not emote in a healthy way; and because it is the SN they could very well be the things that we have become so accustomed to that we may not even notice how deprived we are or what healthy and fulfilled look like. Because Capricorn is Ruled by Saturn and the SN and Saturn are currently hanging out in Capricorn (with Pluto) this could very well be symbolizing the things that we have been depriving ourselves from as Saturn is the Father, the Rule maker, the restrictor, the one that is always telling us NO and keeping it rigid. To top it off, Saturn is also the Karma Police; no matter which side of that coin you are on, it is coming for you in some way or some fashion, so it is best to look at those dark shadows and behavior and unhealthy emotions so that he doesn’t bite you on the wrong side. Capricorn is our ethics towards how we work, it is banking money and governments, religion; as it is Ruled by Saturn, it is anything that can restrict and control the human race to minimize world chaos.
Maybe, this SN in Capricorn, Conjuncting Saturn and Pluto is about taking a look at what has sucked out your emotions; something or someone that has restricted and sucked out your emotions; what has tried to control you and tell you NO? These are the things we need to look at over the next year; acknowledge and cut, throw away and remove as these things are not serving your Higher Self or the North Node in Cancer. The places where you have been abused and invalidated, ignored and disrespected. Saturn is saying No More! And Pluto is saying these things must change, end and transform or we must walk away. Fear will hold many back from full realization of a better self, a better way and a new beginning, but if we are brave and courageous, willing to take that leap, our futures will be fantastically awesome!
The bottom line is… we are here, on this Earth plane, to experience love, joy, happiness, prosperity and abundance (with ease), anything short of that is sub-par and a sub-actualization of our best and Higher selves.
I do expect over the next 12 months many break-ups, deaths and total transformations. Relationships, jobs, homes will all be changing, even if only on the surface. Self-transformations and changes are necessary and required. The realization of what is and has been controlling our lives. What have we become so conditioned to that we do not even notice it anymore or possibly never realized anything was wrong? We will be opening our hearts and eyes to these polar negativities over the coarse of the rest of the year waiting for Jupiter to join the party on December 3rd, 2018, where he will illuminate these situations and restrictions, these rules and shine the light on where the corruption resides and give it the ole Karmic boot. So we can make our own lists, check them twice; find out who is naughty and nice and clip them, prune the dead wood or we can wait until January 2019 where we could expect some major eradications and upheavals; endings, changes and transformations made on our behalf and for our highest and best purpose. Get to work now! Don’t let your past hold you back.
Now here is your Weekly Wisdom video en-JOY! Xoxo Kim