What’s Up? A lot this week with a New Moon in Aries on Thursday – Saturday it is time to get your wishes made and sent out to the Universe so they can boomerang back to you! The New Moon in Aries is a time of renewal, rebirth and action. It is time to try to do something new or something that you have been thinking about, but haven’t had the courage up until now. This Aries New Moon will give you that added boost that you need. This is also a perfect time for self-evaluation and self re-evaluation. It is a Spring Cleaning if you will and even before I knew what sign this New Moon would be in, I wrote a blog this morning about Spring Time Feng Shui. You can check out that article right here : Spring Time Feng Shui
If you want to manifest some wishes into your life during this New Moon try this. I however, usually burn my list in a fire pit so that I can help send my wishes out the The Universe; some like to save their list and then burn it during the Full Moon two weeks following the New Moon, either way – what you say, what you write and what you think in your daily life (not only during the New Moon) is what manifests to you (during a New Moon the power is amplified, so be careful what you wish for).
This week’s cards and messages in the video really speak of the energy of this New Moon in Aries – letting go, releasing and detaching so that you can have fun, enjoy and celebrate everything new that is coming your way.
Detachment is speaking of cutting the cords to those people and material things that you are relying on for your happiness, sense of security or power. If you are attached to something so much you are not free to enjoy and you are actually walking around with a lower vibration when you fear of loosing that of which you are attached to. Your guidance is to ask the angels to help you cut the cords that tie you to people, things and emotions so that you will no longer be manipulated emotionally. Free your spirit and let go now. The Angels wish for you to have Fun this week; enjoy yourself, relax and find your sense of humor while treating things lightly. Fun brings lightness of Spirit and the most difficult situations can be eased if you can see the funny side of things, so now is the time to cultivate a sense of ridiculousness. Also, when you can lighten up good shit happens to you and for you. When you can Release that which no longer serves you (Detachment) Aquamarine will help you do that, Aquamarine will also help you speak your voice, lighten your mind and heart as well. I recommend carrying a piece of this or wearing as jewelry this week to help sooth any rough moments you may experience during this time. Wealth is not only about money and abundance, but sharing that with others. Sharing something of value whether that be money, time or something else that you hold valuable – when you do that, you start the flow of reciprocity; but you must share with no expectations of receiving in return. The Wealth card also asks us to look at our own self worth and wealth, check in with how you perceive and value yourself in this world. The Spider is asking us to get out there and start creating something and being creative; it is also a great time to think about the life you have created for yourself or the life that you want to create. If you are unhappy with how things are looking for you right now, use the power of the New Moon, your Angels, Spirit Guides and The Universe to manifest the life that you want to create for yourself. (Note to self make that list Kim). Letting Go is only repeating itself again with this card, but this card is asking you to go really deep; dig down to where your shadows hide. Dig into the past and pull out all of the pain and anger and disappointment from the past and cast it away Now! And finally, the week ends with The Goblin rearing its ugly Ego-tistical head. The Goblin shows up when our wounded Ego over takes our heart and spirit. The Goblin shows up for people that are struggling with addictions, fear, anger and disappointment and tries to point the finger of blame on to other people. All of these characteristics are of the lowest vibration and only hold you back from truly receiving what ever it is you are truly desiring. It is a vicious cycle that you can get trapped in and it is easy to blame other people for how things have turned out, it is easy to be angry or fearful to trust or to become addicted to numb the pain and hide from all that is all created by only 1 thing…the Ego. If you are this caged animal, caught in the grips of your Ego, it might be a good time to think about seeking out some professional help if you are identifying with this. I really should write an entire blog about Ego sometime as it is a subject that keeps showing up again and again and I see and feel it in a lot of people’s energy.
Like I say in the video below, if you have any questions about these cards, do not hesitate to message me here or on Facebook and I will be happy to give you some clarity on this. I also do card and astrology readings in the Philadelphia area and I am hoping to get something up on Skype for those outside of my area. If you are interested in a reading, private message me on Facebook here – https://www.facebook.com/ExpressionsoftheUniverse/
Here is the companion video to this week’s messages, I hope you enjoy it and have a great week full of New Moon blessings xoxo-Kim