Ahhh! Big Astro Happenings this week! Venus has moved into Taurus and Mars has moved into Cancer not to mention HUGE Solar Storms (thanks Catherine for prompting me to look that up!) So what does this mean for all of us????
Well, the Solar Storms create geomagnetic radiation and auras surrounding the Earth in this geomagnetic energy. This is not only unhealthy, especially if you are flying (in an airplane) when these occur as those not “grounded” on Earth will absorb a good deal of radiation. Most of this radiation supposedly stays in the upper atmosphere and can be seen in the uppermost Northern Latitudes. Scientists say that it has no effects on humans… I do not believe that. Maybe we are feeling Wonky, off balance both physically and mentally? Maybe it does or is it just the crazy Astrology?
With Venus and Mars shifting Signs over the last 24 hours, our moods, minds and hearts are also shifting. These changes also throw us off balance for a few days until we integrate into the new energies. Don’t forget, we have the South Node, Saturn Rx and Pluto Rx all in Capricorn; they lay in the background of all the faster planets and hold the general theme of needing to relinquish the past, heal past lives, bring change, transformation and order to our world and our timeline here and now. This energy predominates over the next 12 months, so we are in for quite the ride ahead. But let’s talk about what I am feeling for the Venus and Mars transits.
Venus in Taurus is the epitome of Love; it is being in love with love
and extending that love out into everything you come in contact with and
opening up to greater love than you have yet to experience, also a renewal of
love. Venus is at home in Taurus, this
enhances and intensifies beauty, the arts, the senses, the sensual pleasures.
Take advantage of the next 3 weeks as Venus is a quick mover and doesn’t
overstay her welcome in any sign for very long. June 8th she will
move into communicative Gemini.
Mars in Cancer is a cooling down of the Ego; like a wet blanket being thrown on a fire. Mars in Cancer can be quite moody and it is a good time to take the place of the observer and move through the emotions, discovering what is triggering any negative emotions and applying the love from Venus in Taurus to the situation. We may feel a bit gloomy and this transit lasts until July 10th, Mars is a little slower and like to hang out after the party has ended.
This week, the Sun moves into quick witted, silver tongued and the lightning flash thinker that is Gemini. Communications will improve and expand during this time. This is a great time to network or come into communion with your relationships by having deep conversations. I picture late nights, wine, fire pits and fantastic, intellectual conversations occurring, deepening the friendships that you currently have.
We have huge shifts occurring each week; the next 12 months are going to be quite the ride, but our creativity is heightened during the next 3 months, then everything will turn serious…. Until then…
En-JOY your Weekly Wisdom xoxo Kim