Trick or Treat? or as they say in the Philadelphia area “Tricker Treat” ha ha ha.oh the dialect. It is one of my favorite times of the year, when all the ghouls and goblins arise from the underworld; where my nightmares are seen by others. In this realm, nearly every day, every night is Halloween. I suppose I have gotten used to it, except when something strange, bizarre and other worldly occurs or shows itself to me, then I am all a fright as if I was 6 years old all over again. Some things I never get used to, but when the Veil is Thin and the whole world is in celebration of All Hallows Eve or Dia de los Muertos, I feel safe, secure and comfortable; I feel protected. Do you want a Trick or a Treat? You get to decide, but you should delight in the joys of the season and seek to find your inner child; dress up, decorate, get all spooky and make the most of this special time.
This week’s Weekly Wisdom I provide not only the cards for the week, but a Pick Your Own! So go ahead, watch and pick; see what the Spirits have to say to you this Halloween. Also, stay tuned for your November Horoscopes for each Sign coming soon to my YouTube Channel! xoxo-en-JOY-Kim