Weekly Wisdom for November 11-19th, 2019 Full Super Moon in Taurus is coming!
Full Super Beaver Moon in Taurus at 8:52 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
This Moon’s energy can go one of two ways and I suggest we go by the way of Love and Light as that is all that I can promote. The Full Moon in Taurus says that now is the time for us to plant our feet firmly in to the ground; become grounded. Taurus is the sign of Earthly pleasures and we should be enjoying in the pleasures of the senses; good food, good drink, flowers, oils, art, music, good books and films as well as the sense of touch and feeling. Take in and enjoy something for all your senses. Hug a tree and spend time in nature; play with animals, go bird watching or spend time at an animal sanctuary. Take this time to dispel any negative energy and connecting yourself with the Earth and all that Earth has created will assist you. I recently read that eating a banana or 3 will help calm and sooth the emotions and that we should be offering bananas to ourselves and our friends that are currently up in arms. I cannot leave out one of my favorite grounding negativity eradicators- Earthing. Get outside barefoot, even it is for a minute (due to cold or inclement weather). That quick minute will allow the Earth to absorb negative ions from your body, however, it is ideal to spend as much time as possible. While in nature discover who, you are. Take a deep look into your core values and beliefs and find out, from within, how you may be more loving to yourself and to others. Stay completely in the moment of every experience over the next few days; live exceedingly present in the now. Slow down this weekend and the early days of next week; savor the pleasures.
With the Sun in Scorpio, fears, death, endings, anxiety and anger with an overwhelmingly desire to expose secrets in search for the truth and overturn regimes carries the current of energy. Those who cannot stay in their hearts will be wanting to expose to an end. Disputes are likely and are expected to continue, however, you have a choice to take the beauty of this Moon and pleasure your senses or destroy.
Be honest, stand in your own integrity, smile and know that people go crazy during Full Moons, it is your own personal job to spread kindness and light; any hatred at this point only does damage to yourself and adds horrible Karma to your bill.
I came to this keyboard so many times this week to express and address the chaos over this past week, but I just could not find the words. I allowed my daily card picks to be my voice and my message. I needed my words to be those that were channeled from a Higher voice than that of my own. That is the voice that is true and pure and not skewed by my own logic or ego and from my heart instead. Being empathic I have been picking up everyone’s energy and emotion and it has been beyond overwhelming for me. My personal feelings have been so neutral this week that I even scared myself; had me wondering if I was so hard hearted, cold and jaded that I no longer had the ability to feel. I felt a lot, it just was not my feelings. Being empathic is often a curse and a blessing; it took years to discover what are my feeling and the feelings belonging to another. When I wake up in my usual good and sunny mood and feel a punch in the gut the moment I step out the door I know to question who is this coming from, put up a block or a wall of protection and get on with my day. When faced with a nation that is currently and severely fractured no wall, bubble, crystal, spell or intention of protection will block the weight of the world. By Wednesday afternoon I felt like I was hungover from a 3-day bender; I was physically ill and I needed to put myself to bed. Thursday was not much better, all the while I am trying to process my own thoughts and feelings on what was going on in my country. My friends, family and acquaintances were going mad, a nation in celebration and protest; a nation divided and I am standing in the middle of this divide.
Left in a state of utter confusion; confusion over the enormity of hatred sweeping the nation; the smugness of so many that I revered as friends of like mind and insensate to those around them. I began to question my own decisions and choices that I had made. “Not that I had a pony in this race”, as my friend Donna is being quoted as saying because I did not have a pony in this race and I knew that either outcome would be devastating, but I never expected so many of my friends to be celebrating in their blindness to the truth that is before us. This has my reconsidering where my allegiances lie and a dark cloud created by chem trails has everyone drinking a Kool-Aid elixir filled with mind altering arsenic and I want no part of it.
I took to solitude and meditation over the last few days, searching for an answer. The message that I received was but one word: INSPIRE. This would be my job, for now. I awoke refreshed yesterday morning feeling hopeful and seeing the “3” on my front stoop let me know that we are protected by the Ascended Masters, yet I still could not wrap around where my spiritually connected friends were coming from and this confusion prevented me from responding to their messages and joining in their celebrations. Every word I saw in those messages and on Social Media emitted a fog of hatred around it. I said out loud “OK, I need to call Soulutions”. When my phone lit up and began to dial Soulutions for Daily Living; I heard my phone dialing and as I placed the phone to my ear my friend Honey said “Hello Soulutions”. It was a sign and a Divine guidance from my Ascended Masters, my Angels, my Guides to speak to Honey about my disdain. We spoke for nearly half an hour, which eased my own feelings; she and our other group of friends were feeling the same- confused over the glee and hatred spreading throughout our communities; she offered that I join her and our friend Donna in an afternoon of healing and love, conference and solutions, it is 11-11 and we need to come together in love and peace and manifest the reality that we are wanting.
The teachings of Abraham continually speak of how our intentions create our reality and so now we must come together and send out all the love that we have in our hearts and shower love into the American government that the right decisions will be made and that people will come together with love in their hearts for the greater good of all humans and living creatures on this planet.
With Donna’s help and expertise in Crystal Healing she cleared my Auric Field, balanced my Chakras and filled me with warm golden light healing. I feel light and fantastic. My Star Soul, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras were all spinning strong, however, my Root, Heart and Throat Chakras were spinning counter clockwise, though strong. She cleared the misfiring Chakras and got them back on track and then used tuning forks and their vibrations to run through my body – it felt fantastic. All the while precisely placed crystals covered my body. Finally, she used a golden healing douse to spin gold throughout all my Chakras and my Auric Field. This was just what I need to bring balance back so that I could move forward in a loving way with full clarity. I now am more fully equipped to be a beacon of light and guidance for all those who need it.
Let’s take a look back on my predictions and cards over the last few weeks. I foresaw that we would all be shocked and surprised by the outcome and that there is still a plot twist brewing and we have not seen the full results YET! I do not know what that fully means YET and there is much to come. Back before Halloween I began to see the direction all of this was going. By the Book Reversed spoke of change and transformation was needed. This within itself is true as it requires that we let go of old ways and stop doing things “by the book”. We the People wished for a political revolution and we have got one on our hands, it is just not how we envisioned it to be. Pluto in Capricorn says that we will have a Revolution. Did you know the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during the American Revolution in 1776? Yes, that is correct and true and look what is happening. When I look at the Astrology, Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2025 and in the 7th house, that of relationships, mutuality and sharing. A Revolution not only of governments all around the world, but that of relationships as well. In 1776 Pluto was in Capricorn in the 2nd house, that of money, values, the environment and daily routines. Slightly different, yet still profound nevertheless. It then moved into the 3rd house which rules, community, friendships and neighbors. In 2025 Pluto will move into the 8th house and prepare to enter Sagittarius. The 8th house rules Death and Sagittarius the truth. I predict now that it will take that long for the dust to settle and a new way of life and living to be enjoyed by all. The new American dream, the new World dream as these aspects affect the entire world.
Other cards and predictions over the past few weeks spoke of peace, higher guidance, love, living from a heart space, fears, anxieties, new beginnings, sitting still in silence and meditation; contemplation. A Fork in the Road on November 2nd spoke of the divide ahead of us all. Stay Strong was recommended on November 3rd followed by Chaos and Conflict Reversed indicated situations of which we have no control, Apprehension and Letting Go of the Old and lastly Perception. My weekly video and cards also held clues to the madness.
Speaking of Astrology – DJT’s chart shows that he is a Master Gemini (The Twins) at 22 degrees – I am a Gemini at 13 degrees- we are cool and calculated with quicksilver tongues, communication rules the Gemini and we can go in either direction; he being ruled by faith and feelings (22). His Leo Rising sign at a Master 29 degrees is what we have been seeing. Leo is that of the Ego and he has a huge arrogant one at that, but remember, Rising Signs are what we show the world; it is what gets him through. Don’t be surprised if is experience with showmanship played to the masses and spoke of what he knew people would want to hear for his true Sagittarius Moon nature takes over – that rule the truth and beliefs, but those born under a Sag Moon often get bored very easily, coupled with Gemini; once bored they move on to another affection. Look how quickly he switched out Chris Christie for Pence to run the transition. Expect him to flip flop through his tenure, Geminis can never make up their mind and that Leo Rising will only do things that shine him in the best light because their Egos rule their gestures.
So, while the world goes absolutely bat shit crazy, I implore all of you to come together as Lightworkers, Lightwalkers to spread love to everyone and wherever you go. Set your intentions that our new leader will allow his goodness to shine as we all were born with goodness. Let us all work together to unite everyone with love and peace.
After an election season of unprecedented bitterness, we are calling upon our country to come together in a spirit of unity, forgiveness, and solidarity so that we can better address the challenges our nation faces. Broadcast from Washington, DC main event at Unity of Washington, D.C. & Satellite events around the country. Speakers include: Dr. Ben Carson, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Oz and many many more! Sunday, November 13, 2016 there will be a Free Conference from Washington DC a day of healing and reconciliation – please check out the even website and get your free ticket here:
I know this has probably been one of my longest blogs ever and this week’s cards will continue the dialogue a bit longer. It is always interesting which cards I pull at random; this week gives us Harmony, Communication, Fire, Rhodonite, Deceit, Understanding, Differences, Belonging and Invisible.
Now En-JOY this week’s non-political video as I give you the Weekly Wisdom straight up as the meaning of the cards are revealed! Xoxo Kim