We are now in the thick of the Venus Retrograde and I have been witnessing a lot of pent up anger coming out in people; fears are bubbling up and out and being projected on the world. I have always been an interested observer of people and their behaviors, almost like a secret science project that I have been monitoring for decades. I love to see how the planetary energy effects people that are either not aware or do not believe in Astrology and it only solidifies my beliefs, but it also allows me to build on my Astro Database, a passive backseat into the window of the psyche. With Venus currently in Aries, the energy is aggressive and unforgiving, no apologies and no regrets, but I really would expect people to be passionate and professing their love to each other instead of their hatred and I surmise the latter is based on fears and Karma that we have not fully released; whether it be from past lives or current Karma, we will all get the opportunity to shed anger this year when Saturn goes Retrograde from April 6th, 2017 through August 25th, 2017 and I will fill you in on this energy in the coming weeks before it happens. Bullying is on the up-rise in those who are subconsciously feeling inadequate or those who were bullied as a child; the bully turns into the bully without even realizing it. Use this time to chill out and allow Fate and Destiny to bring new players and characters into your life so that love can reign supreme. Remember, 2017 is a year of new beginnings which means we must shed the old in order to make room for the new and that is sometimes uncomfortable and painful if you are not willing to let go of what no longer serves your higher purpose or too nostalgic, therefore keeping you stuck in the muck. Read more of my take on the Venus Retrograde here: Fated Love, Soul Mates and Karmic Destiny –Venus Retrograde March 4-April 15, 2017 .
Speaking of being stuck, with the behaviors that I have witnessed, I cannot help but think of the old adage (paraphrasing) Insanity is when you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.
The best way to shed old Karma is to react to situations and people differently than you have in the past. Even a slight different reaction will help to shift your Karma. So, when faced with a situation that triggers you or pushes your buttons I recommend that you Stop, Drop and Roll; in other words, take a breath, count to 10 and contemplate before you speak or act. Luckily, Mars will move into passive Taurus on March 9th – April 21st; although the Bull is stubborn, he is also docile and could give us the opportunity to change destiny.
My featured crystal or stone during this time will be Turritella Agate. Taken from CrystalVaults. Com Turritella Agate is a spiritual crystal, deeply connected to the earth and home, to one’s personal roots and ancestry, even the events of one’s past. It is a survival stone, one of strength and protection. Ancient life held within its form lends the power of wisdom and healing. Turritella Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. It is rich, earthy brown or black, and recognized by the sea creature and fossilized snail patterns within the stone, or in a thick coating around it. Turritella Agate is a stone of personal connection with one’s past – ancestry, homeland, and the country from which those ancestors came. As a record keeper crystal, it may be used to gain access to the wisdom of past worlds and past life recall. It opens communication between the plant and mineral kingdom, providing access to information beneficial in healing the planet. [Melody, 100] If buried in land that has been neglected or polluted, Turritella Agate cleanses and re-vitalizes. Its healing energies can be projected if placed on a map or photo of an endangered area. For frequent travelers, Turritella Agate protects against danger, alleviates fears, and keeps the connection to loved ones at home. Agate is especially effective against traffic accidents”.
And now, your Weekly Wisdom Video- en-JOY! Xoxo Kim