photo credit Ang Stoic
Yes, it is coming, but if you feel like it already is a Mercury Retrograde, it could just be your head inside the fishbowl that is Pisces energy. With so much Planetary energy residing and colliding in Pisces right now our thoughts are dreamy, illusional, delusional and floating in a misty fog of make believe or in the underworld of the psychic, spiritual and hidden underground. We reach the depths of emotion. It is mushy and gushy and we are dreaming of our perfect daydream life of how we would love our reality to be; this is a very good thing, if we are thinking beautiful cotton candy thoughts, as our thoughts create our reality and we manifest through our thoughts. Conversely, if you are sinking to the depths of darkness, you are only creating more darkness to enter your life. Be mindful the thoughts that creep into your head and spew from your mouth. Luckily, Venus and Mercury are currently both conjunct at 27 degrees helping our speeches to be grandiose as well as our thoughts. Venus Trine Jupiter in emotional Scorpio allows us to be just a little bit sweeter for a few days. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs that pop up along the way as they could be prophetic!
I am not sure if it because I have gone from a life of bliss to the bowels of hell and back and have been on the path of enlightenment for such a long time that I am aware of the pitfalls of a negative, ungrateful and hateful attitude, that is still shocks me encountering so many individuals still dragging around in that muck. I know, I know, we all have our own path, our own lessons and our own timing, but my wish is for people to pull themselves out of this muck, the basement of dire despair and realize that there is sunshine and joy out here to be had be anyone that wants it, you just have to change your attitude and perspective. You have to take what life gives you and find those little pieces of gratitude within whatever is presented and make the best of them. There is something beautiful in everything that we are given and everything that is kept from us and I sometimes have to remind myself of this everyday; I stop and take a moment, take a breath and find the gratitude and blessings trying not to rush through the gifts (beautiful and ugly) as I know these moments are fleeting and nothing lasts forever.
Mercury is going Retrograde on March 22nd and will last through April 15th; we should begin the feel the pre-shadow in a few days on March 8th and the post-shadow will last all the way through May 4th. This does not mean we should stop our lives, but instead, be more mindful, slow it down, take time to smell the roses and the piles of shit in our lives and turn them into somethings beautiful. Take your time when making decisions, read the fine print, double check those important messages and make sure they reached their destinations. Confirm reservations and keep a paper copy should your electronics go wonky. Just be prepared is the motto of the Retrograde. Mercury Retrograde gets blamed for breakdowns, breakups, chaos and faux pas, but really, if you have not been managing these “things” such as maintaining your car, mechanical and electronic items, backing up your computers (note to self back up your computer – you’ve had 177 reminders pop up that you keep dismissing so you can keep working)- then yes, stuff is going to breakdown. Just be or get prepared, be on the ready and float through the Retrograde. When we continue to rush through life, rush through the day, trying to get as much done as possible, we are not paying attention. Mercury Retrograde is the excuse for us to slow our rolls and pay attention. It is a known fact that we humans truly cannot effectively multi-task – impossible as we cannot do anything with quality if we are trying to do two or three things at once. Best to handle one task at a time. You will accomplish more, with better quality and most likely get more done and will not have to back track to fix anything done in a shoddy rush. Just slow it down, be prepared for delays, breathe deeply during times of stress. Begin trying this new Retrograde perspectives today.
I will be back with more Mercury Retrograde goodies next week with my tips and tricks for smooth sailing through this backward, up-side-down world!
Now, here is your Weekly Wisdom en-JOY! xoxo Kim