CREDIT hades_and_persephone_2_by_sandara-d3hkrew
“As the wind kisses her plentiful hair,
Scent of new blossoms fills each whiff of air;
As she treads lightly on frozen earth crest,
One thousand butterflies rise from their rest.” -Aquarius Bookstore, Kansas City, KS
As Winter slowly awakens the lady of Spring, new beginnings finally take shape; the new beginnings many of us have been waiting for as the feeling of Winter continues to linger on in the Northern Hemisphere and the brisk chill of Autumn blows into the Southern Hemisphere – the Equinoxes occur. The North awakens as the South prepares for rest. My focus is that of Ostara, the Vernal Equinox, Spring and new life. Monday, March 20th marks the time when the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator bringing equal day and night, the ending of the dark Winter and the beckoning of the light of Spring. Interestingly enough, the Vernal Equinox or Ostara has been and is celebrated across the globe in ceremonies for centuries. Originating in Saxony, Old High Germanic practices, Celtic regions and by Neopaganism long before Christians, Hindus, Jews and Wiccans incorporated the practices into what many know as Easter, Holi and Purim. The same symbols of eggs, rabbits, flowers and seeds presented as gifts for the awakening. It is also no coincidence that the Equinox also marks the time when the Sun moves from dreamy, hibernating Pisces into action, fiery based Aries- the first Sign of the Astrological Wheel.
Sun moves into Aries on the Vernal Equinox- Mach 20 – The Sun will be at 0° Aries, a part of us will be wanting to jumpstart new projects, new ventures; there is an overwhelming impatience this week leading up the a New Moon the following Monday, but I caution all of you to wait as anything begun during this impetus start will dies fast when the facts unfold. Think of this week as the Aesop Fable the Tortoise and the Hare; slow and steady wins this race and requires a week of warm ups before we are off and running through the scented fields of flowers and onto new horizons.
Venus Retrograde continues to test us through Fate and Destiny, past lives, past soul mates. New people and opportunities will continue to show up for us through June 6th. People from the past will continue to show up as well. This week could mark a final test in one respect to what may show up and appear before us and it is how we react to a choice that is given to us on the direction we will ultimately take this Spring. For those of us that utilized the Pisces energy and experienced an ascension upward we may have been shown this test or been given an opportunity to decide which road/path we will take. Have you run into or heard from people from your past lately? I know I have and it has been a little crazy to say the least. My card pick on Friday (Trust in Magic) has shown me so many coincidences and synchronicities and the Animal Totems of the Fox and the Raven continue to be a theme, not only for me, but for some of my readers that have contacted me to express how uncanny their experiences are as well. For me, I have been shown people and experiences from my past that at first I thought meant that I should go back in that direction whence I came when I became fully aware that Venus Retrograde was testing me and that I was forgetting one of my most important mantels to never go backwards, never. There is a reason that people and experiences are left in the past and I was being tested. Once I tapped into my heart and my gut feelings and shunned my Ego mind, I had to acknowledge that what I left back at that fork in the road is supposed to stay there so that I can discover the new and unknown that lays before me. Do not be glamourized by what is known and comfortable for stepping into the Void holds more prizes that the Ego can ever imagine. The Universe is stirring up our emotions, old ghosts, past life partners from our ancient past and they are being stirred up so that we can let them go FOREVER! I just had a visual flash in my third eye as I wrote that last sentence – that of groceries in the refrigerator that have long passed their shelf live and are ready to be thrown out in the garbage so that new groceries can and should be bought as we do not want to eat spoiled and expired sustenance. If we do will risk becoming ill instead of nourished; that is how I am seeing this time period of testing. I also reminded myself this morning another mantel that I carry – if I have to over think any proposition, then it is not for me as my best decisions have always manifested when no thinking was involved; my gut instincts and my heart answer with a resounding Yes! Remember that, if you are overthinking any situation, it is probably not for you.
Celebrating Ostara, the Vernal Equinox or first day of Spring is about welcoming balance of dark and light, beauty, joy, new beginnings and that of warmth. Decorate your space with Green, Yellow and Purple, flowers and sprouts. Step outside as the Sun rises this morning as breathe in deeply and sense the change; do you smell fresh grass, rain or the earth? Feeling the change as the Wheel of the Year turns another notch. The exact moment of the Equinox occurs at 6:28 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Allow the energy to awaken what has been asleep.
Here is your Weekly Wisdom video, tarot card and astrology reading and crystals of the week! en-JOY! xoxo Kim