June26-July2 2016
Emotions are running on high this week– I keep forgetting to mention that the Sun is now in Cancer, so Happy Birthday to all of you Cancers out there!
Water signs rule the week- With that said, there are many planets in Water Signs and that is where our emotions are running deep. Mars will be going Direct on June 29th, Chiron is in Pisces, the Moon in currently in Pisces, Neptune is Retrograde in Pisces, Mercury is moving into Cancer and Venus is in Cancer. What does all of that mean? First, our psychic tuning forks are on high alert; you will be more intuitive than ever and with Neptune Retrograde, you will be able to see through the illusions of deception. Secondly, all of these water signs bring upon heightened emotional moments. It might be in our nature to bury or hide those emotions, but the healthiest way to deal with an overwhelming amount of emotion is to feel it, embrace it, own it, recognize it and therefore you are able to let go of those emotions once you have dealt with them. When you stare deep emotions in the face they will go away because you allow yourself to cleanse them from your system (tears sometimes are the result of feeling, embracing and allowing them to flow from you).
Mars Direct- June 29th- this is the final week of Mars Retrograde. This Warrior was giving us the opportunity to see some really ugly sides of ourselves and other people and learning a different way to act or react to them. Did somethings come up within you that you did not like? Did you decide to make changes to those behaviors? Now is the time to live from our hearts (Venus) and not our Ego head (Mars), embracing the more feminine side of our nature to be kinder, gentler and more compassionate. I feel that if you are still stuck in that old aggressive Ego mind things will not fare well for you going forward this year. However, if you did take on a more loving approach to difficult situations, the world will open up to you like a louts blossom offering more beneficial opportunities as this year moves on (The Mystery Prize that I spoke about earlier this year)!
Here are the cards that I drew for all of you for this week’s energy-Enjoy! xoxo-Kim