Happy Birthday to all the Leos out there; it is a time to really enjoy life! Leo is all about the Sun as she is Leo’s ruler. The Sun represents the Self and how you are in the world. It represents both the Ego and the Higher Self and Soul Purpose which means this is a great time to love yourself, work on your inner being (Higher Self) and graduate to the next level. This is also a time to really have fun; when we are having fun and living a joyful life, the best of ourselves is realized; our creative being is at its finest. Creativity is not just about creating Art, Music, Poetry or beautiful novels, being creative is really about living your best life- Envisioning how that best life will look and creating or weaving little bits of that into your personal reality day by day; no matter how small the gesture, adding those bits and pieces of a joyful life each day will help launch you into the creativity and happiness that you not only deserve, but are meant to strive for. The Sun in Leo is really a time for all of us to shine and show the world who we really are at the core of our being!
Beach Time- for me, being at the beach helps to bring out my best, most creative self. Even though I love the forest and all nature, the beach just adds that little bit extra for me. Combine the salt water, the salty, breezy air, the soft, warm ambient sand and the squawking of sea gulls flying about just makes me smile. That does not mean that this environment is right or perfect for you, I am just pointing out that we all need to find that place that even when we think of being there it lights up our hearts and soul. I am smiling just writing about the beach! When I am at the beach everything melts away. All of my cares and worries are taken away by the waves of the ocean; I spend hours just walking along the waterline thinking of nothing and taking in everything my senses can handle; the sun, the water, the breeze, the sharp whistle of the lifeguards calling children to shore, families playing with their children and showing them how to enjoy nature. As I walked along the water and watched all of the people laughing and playing I realized just how many different types of people were all enjoying the beach- Together. All ages, races, sexes, sexualities, religions and beliefs; they were all just playing or relaxing, smiling and laughing- nobody was hating. It was a beautiful thing to witness and realize and it made my heart smile and wish that the world was a beach. It made me think that probably 99.999% of the world all has that same needs and wants….Peace and Love- Joy and Happiness- Warmth and Comfort- – – Love! Take this moment to think deeply about the places that make you feel this way. Think about them every day, if even for just a few minutes. When you put yourself and your mind into that vibration you will launch yourself into the vortex of abundance and that is when the magic happens. If those thoughts are a struggle and you have yet to find that magical place, just think of simple things that you are grateful for and focus on that each day. Gradually you will invoke more joy and happiness into your life when you can concentrate on gratitude.
Busy, Busy- I have been WANTING to write several articles; RA Chronicles, my crazy miracles and more animal totems, but in all honesty-I have just been too busy with Life to sit down long enough to get my thoughts and ideas onto paper (virtual paper that is). It does not mean that I will not write them, but right now I am doing what I love and what makes me happiest in the present moment. I am doing exactly what I tell all of you each day; live in the present moment and enjoy life, be happy, be joyous and everything else has to wait or be let go of! It is so much easier in the Winter since I am spending the majority of my time inside and I have more time on my hands. So just hang tight and I promise if we every get some rain here any time soon (hopefully) I will be able to final publish them!
Chakras!- The Sun in Leo and August bring us another Chakra to work on; the Throat Chakra, however, I feel thought the Leo is the culmination of all of the Chakras that I have talked about this year and I suggest that you go back and check out each of the previous Chakras first and come August I will publish our next Chakra- The Throat. One reason why I associate the Throat with Leo the Lion is their Roar and the Throat Chakra is about speaking your truth and letting everyone hear your voice (roar).
Root Chakra Sacral Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Heart Chakra
This week’s cards and wisdom- Hope is on the horizon followed by Will and what we are willing into our lives (this is combined with the healing stone Malachite), the Spider’s energy and message is asking us to look at the life we are creating and weaving. Our world no matter what it looks like- beautiful or chaotic is created and woven by you! The Dog is our loyalty; those we are loyal to and who is loyal to us, this is followed up by Burden; the burdens we are carrying for others either through our generosity or co-dependency; either way, it is unhealthy to carry burdens that do not belong to us and if you are rationalizing how someone else’s burden is yours (family members come to mind) then you are behaving in a co-dependent mode and you need to let go of that as it is weighing you down from living your best life.
Here is your Weekly Wisdom video, live from the ocean in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA xoxo-Kim