Happy Birthday Leo! Finally, we will get some relief from that emotional, watery Cancer transit. It is time for all of us to celebrate and prepare for fun and joy.
We welcome the Sun in Leo and a New Moon today both coming in at 0°. Zero is Nothing and Everything in one breath. Zero is the symbol for Pluto, the planet of Death. It is the shadow side and the darkness. I have never seen the Sun and New Moon both converge at 0° at the same time. It is a bit scary (as thunder and lightning crash outside in the pouring rain) almost as a reminder of what Zero is capable of. Zero is the boundaries and protection that we must put around ourselves; not shutting ourselves out from the world, but like a coat or jacket, if you will, to protect you from the elements or energies around you. Life seems to float when we wear our protection.
Let the Adventure begin! – With Leo the Lion Roaring, full steam ahead; dive head first into Adventure this month. Get outside, play and explore. Get off the phone, the computer; put down the remote. Ironic as my business is 90% based through electronic and social media, but I feel a new wave coming – being less connected (to devices) in order to become more connected to ourselves, the universe and the world. Adventure is spontaneity at its finest; jumping into the car, destination unknown, and just driving until you land somewhere serene – just kidding; I remember those days before children and mortgages, but Adventures can be planned as well as long as the idea of trying something new and having fun are at the top of the to-do list. Another must of this Leo Adventure is, do it often. Make it a point to give yourself at least one Adventure per week during the entire Leo transit. An Adventure can even be a visit to your favorite coffee shop or bakery when you really need to somewhere in 10 minutes. Quick little pit stops of Adventure. When we follow our hearts and do little things that we love you never know what may show up; it may be even an opportunity or door toward your New Moon Wish. For one month play outside the box; in other words, take a different route, shop in a different neighborhood, call out sick and go to the beach or the forest; try to love yourself as much as possible on as many days possible and I guaranty there will be a big surprise waiting for you very soon!
Leo Fun Fact- I can always tell a Leo right away – their hair gives them away and the attention they take to their hair or sometimes the lack of hair. Their hair is a big deal to the Leo!
New Moon Blessings to all of you… now here is your Weekly Wisdom video en-JOY! xoxo Kim