full buck moon
The primary focus is on the Full Buck (or Thunder) Moon that is coming this week on Tuesday, July 19th @ 6:57 p.m. through Thursday, July 21st, 2016 in Capricorn – the Stodgy Goat. If you are in the Southern Hemi the Full Moon comes in on Wednesday, July 20th-22nd @ 8:57 a.m. The Goat is an Earth Sign and this is saying to me that you better stay grounded this week, especially where your finances and career are concerned.
What is behind the names of this Moon? Native Americans named the July Full Moon both the Full Buck or Full Thunder Moon because this is the time of year when male deer start growing their antlers; it is also a time when we experience the most Thunder Storms here in North America. Although I am not aware of being Native American by birth, I KNOW that in at least one primary past life I was a Native American man and whenever I am going on a Shamanic Journey, he is who I am during my journey. It took me a few times to realize he was me and not an outside entity; so this is why I follow this naming convention.
What to expect this Full Moon- well…. Some astrologers are thinking it will be all strawberries and roses, I on the other hand am picking up on a darker energy. I feel like rulers and leaders are going to be on a huge Ego trip this week and they will be demanding us to follow their lead and commands. Expect very domineering superiors, abuse of power, people with a savior complex and volatile work conditions. Never underestimate the looks of something that appears sweet and innocent; someone is ready and waiting to cut you down and stab you in the back or cut your throat. Greed and Ego stemming from unresolved childhood issues due to ignorant parents could be showing quite an ugly face and the crazy thing is – these types of people DO NOT see any issues with themselves. Be super careful that you are not following the wrong leader; better yet- think for yourself, do not be a sheep or a lemming, however, you will have to use caution and step lightly around these people if they are connected to your career, money and livelihood. Make your own practical decisions on the direction you want your own life to go in and how you want it to look. Stay in your heart space and if you have to keep your own nose to the grindstone in order to avoid and conflict and confrontation this week. Use the crystal of the week Chrysocola to remain calm, communicate clearly and smoothly and intelligently. Also, use the power of the Full Moon to release what is no longer serving you in this life and continue to remove clutter from your mind and spaces.
Pay attention to the Music this week- The crystal for this week is Chrysocola and the card is Sacred Sounds. Chrysocola is a superior stone for calm, clear communication. It is a Throat Chakra Stone and the ears are connected to our throats so this immediately said Pay attention to what you hear this week and the musical notes depicted on the card said that messages will be coming via songs, lyrics, names of bands etc. You may possibly overhear a conversation that brings you an important message as well or you may just hear things like I do- Clairaudiently. This message could bring you Clarity – our Angel Energy card for the week and the final message card is Message in a Bottle indicating to me that you will for sure receive a message this week that will send you in the right direction or path. Now conversely, Not for You and Come to the Edge (Reversed) are showing me your fears of being where you do not want to be, your fears and anxieties and wishing things were different immediately and you focusing on what it is you do not have. Remember, when you focus on what you do not have – you only push what you want further away from yourself; whatever is Not coming to you is Not meant for you (at least not right now) Everything that is meant for you will show up when the time is right and anything that is kept from you is the Universe’s way of protecting you. Summon up courage this week to remain patient and still so that you can hear the message that is coming for you; if you are too upset and fearful, you will miss your message. My newest motto is ZEN AS F*** ….borrow it, steal it, own it and be it!
Animal Totem of the Week- If you watch the video, you will hear the buzzing of Cicadas. This is a New Beginning. Check out a previous blog that will tell you all about this Totem –CICADA TOTEM
UPCOMING BLOGS: Later this week I will also be blogging more about signs, Angels, Miracles and the Animal Totem The Dragonfly which says change is coming! Be on the look out for this, I promise it will be interesting, a little weird and definitely informative!
Now here is your Weekly Wisdom Video- Enjoy xoxo Kim