A special New Moon and Solar Eclipse are about to occur in grounded, steadfast, nose to the grindstone Capricorn asking us to make a decision and commit to a New Beginning. Expect increased vitality towards your goals with a clear sense of knowing which direction to choose and take off into.
Any stagnant energies over the last week will wash away as if a fire has been lit underneath of us. Please enjoy the Weekly Wisdom and my new Tarot/Oracle Card for the week. I apologize in advance for the faux pas in the video referencing the New Moon in Sagittarius… however, Jupiter in Sag brings that same energy. I have been in a funky weird twilight zone energy vortex since New Year’s Day; showing up for appointments a week early, purchasing the Pacific Time Zone Astrological calendar instead of the Eastern – so everything is wonky for me. Almost like a dreamland Shamanic Journey, where the Platypus has shown up for the first time for me telling me to embrace my unique quirkiness and keeping moving forward!
Here is your Weekly Wisdom en-JOY! xoxo Kim