Each week, as I prepare for the Weekly Wisdom, I call upon the energies that I have felt and collected on during the week and I look ahead of possible themes. I sit down, in my comfy double-sized, outworn chair and decide how to draw what it is I am feeling. What is the image deep in my soul and how can that be depicted? When I drew the Barn Owl for my Truth card, I was thinking of all the crazy energies swirling around us, the lies that I over heard at the water cooler, the lies that people tell themselves each day just to get through the day and I immediately thought of the word Truth; coupled with Knowledge, Wisdom, Integrity and Authenticity. It is no wonder that my cat (shown above sitting with this week’s cards) picked Deep knowledge to anchor my Truth card, followed by the rest of the week’s looming energies.
My process is quite easy, when choosing a card…. I merely begin clearing a deck and proceed to shuffle and my cat Missa, no matter if she is in a deep slumber or preening herself in another room, will coming running in like a 6 month old kitten; despite her nearly 15 years of age. She can feel the energies and spirits that I am calling in and she loves to lend a helping paw. Once the deck is cleared and ready, I spread the cards out in a fan. Missa then will walk back and forth in front of the cards and in the cutest, most delicate way, places her paw on her selection. I pull the card and put it to the side; she continues her procedure until I have enough cards for the week. I rely on my 11 degree Piscean, fury familiar and I allow her wisdom to shine down on all of us.
If you have animal familiars living in your home and you utilize Oracle Cards, Crystals, Candles or other forms of divination, give it a try and allow them to be a part of your selections next time…. Our most precious friends always know what is best for us!
Here is your Weekly Wisdom – en-JOY!!!! xoxo -Kim
Laura Nathan says
I am trying to reel in the energies and take Happy Monday…Luv you!
Kimberly McGrath says
Yeeesss! The energies are crazy!!@