Boy, this was a busy week Astrologically and Astronomically – it feels that the stars have been crazy over the last two months, more than any human can handle. I would like to say things will settle down, but I am not convinced that it will. This year of 2017 was promised to be marked with many new beginnings and it has not disappointed; even though many of the new beginnings were not wanted or appreciated. Frankly, I am exhausted and ready for a respite.
Sun moved into loving, beautiful, balanced and fair Libra this week; at the same time of the New Moon and the Autumnal and Vernal Equinoxes (depending on which Hemisphere you are living). The Equinox is the perfect balance of light and dark for that one moment in time and occurs twice per year. This coming week we have Pluto, the planet of death, change, and the occult, going direct motion which will once again active our Karma and make way for the Thinning of the Veil. When it comes to our Karma this year, Pluto has been Retrograde for the last six months, giving us a much needed break. Now that we are finished with the energies of the Eclipses, we have room to open up to clearing the Karma. That is one of the reasons that I chose Strawberry Quartz as the Crystal of the Week. says: Strawberry Quartz carries all the
he vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Carrying Strawberry Quartz can be soothing and calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment. Strawberry Quartz has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude and generosity, and can radiate those vibrations outward. Some wear Strawberry Quartz when trying to attract a soul-mate. However, be aware that “soul-mate” doesn’t mean “exactly like yourself”. Often, our soul-mates are those people who can really test us and show us where we need work.
Strawberry Quartz assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. An important tool for new initiates on the spiritual path, Strawberry Quartz can help one to gain insights into one’s persona and inspiration regarding how to improve on it. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge.
Hold Strawberry Quartz as an aid/companion during meditation or journeying. Perfect to add to a healing grid or use in a healing layout.
Fall/Spring Feng Shui – I have to acknowledge both Equinoxes as I have readers in 100 countries in the world; many being in the Southern Hemisphere. This works for both Hemispheres, but for intents and purpose, I am focusing on Autumn for today. In my Weekly Wisdom Live show this week, we discussed Fall Feng Shui and why I love cleaning in the Fall as opposed to the Spring; of course I clean in the Spring, if not all year long, but these semi-annual cleansings of the home clear out the energy and ready the home for the coming seasons. After a long and usually hot Summer, the home is stagnant from being closed up with air conditioner use; it will not be long before it is too cold before we are using our heaters and closing the house off again; sometimes for 6 months or more. During the Summer months we are often out and about enjoying the sunshine and not spending much time indoors cleaning; another good reason to give the home a good scrub. Now is the time to act like the leaves on the trees and purge our junk and clutter to make way for abundant blessings coming from the Harvest.
The past week or so, I have been taking 10 minutes, after doing the dinner dishes, to pick one area to clear and clean. I set my timer and I go, as fast as I can to spruce up an area. If I have time left over, I start in on the next area. When the timer goes off, I am finished and go an relax for the night or fulfill my next appointment. I spoke of the 10 minute quickie (LOL) in a previous article here : 10 minutes to doing it all When we take anything in 10 minute bites, it does not feel so overwhelming AND you will be surprised just how much you can accomplish in 10 minutes; enough to smile afterwards!
Windows and Feng Shui – so now that the Seasons have changed, I began my cleaning ritual and started on my kitchen windows. As I was up on the ladder and had an epiphany; of course I would start my Fall Feng Shui with the windows. Once clean, it symbolizes being able to see clearer, mental clarity and that is a wonderful way to open up that energy around you. The windows often get neglected the most and if they are not clean, how can we have clarity? How can we experience the world outside and around us if we do not have clear vision? Remember, clearing and cleaning and preparing the home are one of the finest ways to prepare our selves for connecting deeper, with more meaning. Letting Go, like the leaves allows room for something new to come into our lives. ‘
Recently, I let my cable and home phone go. I am totally cool with the cable as I have Netflix, Chromecast and a Fire Stick. I ordered Sling for live TV and kept the internet. My monthly bill went from $394 to $100 and I am loving it, but I will not lie, I am having anxiety over not having a landline phone and I had a hard time giving that up because……I like the number sequence – yes, serious and the like of that number sequence was costing me $50 per month to have telemarketers calling day and night. Only 2 people I know call that phone, maybe 3 or 4 times a year. This is how silly we can get about letting things go that are “Ours”. So, when you are having a hard time letting something go, think about my ridiculous story. If you want some fun help and info on decluttering, I recommend and
Here is a replay of my Weekly Wisdom LIVE from Friday, September 22, 2017:
Here is your Weekly Wisdom en-JOY! xoxo Kim