My Guides always are sending me messages; they come in at the most inappropriate times, when I do not have a pen and paper to write them down or cannot logistically do so. Driving, showering, sleeping, out on a morning walk or day dreaming; a form of my version of meditation. When these messages are urgent or important, my Guides will repeat them over and over so that I remember them; because so many of great messages get missed and never conveyed. I know them, but I cannot possibly relay them all to you, unfortunately. The latest message was one word “RE-CALIBRATION”. As I thought above this word all week, felt the upcoming energy and checked the astrology, I discovered that not only was a time of re-calibration on its way energetically, but astrologically as well. But, what really is re-calibration? To me it is a resetting of our compasses; a check and balance of our inner scales. The formal definition is to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements). This would include the body, mind and soul.
Venus Rx in Libra/Scorpio, North Node —>Cancer, Jupiter —>Sagittarius, Uranus Rx Taurus/Aries, Mars—> Pisces, Mercury Rx Sagittarius.
Crystals to use during this time include Labradorite for personal transformation, Celestite to guide us on new paths, Tiger’s Eye for self confidence, Amazonite for a fresh start, Moonstone for new beginnings, All types of Green Stones; Malachite, Chrysocolla, Aventurine for heart healing, Amethyst for peace and Divine guidance. These are all for inward cleansing, clearing and healing. The focus goes inward for the next six weeks +-, then we can come back to outward manifestations once we re-calibrate our souls.
Now here is your Weekly Wisdom- xoxo- en-JOY! Kim