This entire next week is about preparation; preparation for Spring, preparation for a New Moon, preparation for the Vernal Equinox (1st day of Spring…yes I said it twice), preparation for Aries energy and finally, preparation for Mercury Retrograde. So how sucky is it that we have all these new beginnings only to slam on the breaks a few days later for the Retrograde; do not fear as this could actually be a good thing!
First things first. Unfortunately, we lose an hour of sleep tonight as we prepare for Spring by turning the clocks ahead; the proverbial Spring Forward. Followed by The New Moon in Pisces at 26 degrees (next Saturday, March 17th) as it will be her last hurrah before we dash into action and fire based Aries; just a little bit more of dreaminess and deep emotions before life is running so fast our heads are spinning out of control in Aries. This New Moon gives us the opportunity to think about our dreams and wishes for the new season ahead. We get to open up and feel deeply what our hearts truly desire and put that into an intention and send it out to the Universe in order to manifest in the coming months. Speaking of dreams, pay very close attention to your dreams and try to remember them during the next 10 days. I don’t know about you, but my dreams have been so vivid and crazy during this Pisces transit I almost do not want to wake up from this fantasy land. Since the New Moon is on St. Patrick’s Day, just be mindful of your thoughts and actions as that is what will manifest; over indulgence can lead to excessive weight gain and addictions during this time.
We follow up next week on Tuesday, March 20th with the first day of Spring, the Vernal Equinox and in Celtic, old world cultures Ostara. This is the new beginning of all possibilities as the Sun will move into Aries putting us all to work on our projects, ideas and renovations. Ever wonder why we feel so fully charged to begin Spring Cleaning? It is because the Sun shifts from lazy bones Pisces into get-it-done Aries.
Now, do not get too excited as Mercury, the planet of our mind, our thoughts, our communications and travel will come to a halt and go Retrograde on Friday, March 23rd and last until April 15th, giving us the time and space needed to plan and think our next moves through. No need to rush when Mercury is going backwards; take this time to mull over and contemplate creative ideas and projects. For me it is some home renovations. I have already been plotting and planning them all Winter long, my choices are made and now I am just going to take my time to execute the final product. I really have to be patient during this time as I already want to rush through, but I know, with the proper preparation and patience, my kitchen face lift will be amazing. Also swirling through my thoughts are thoughts of my Summer garden. These are just some ideas to get you off and running or I should say walking through this Retrograde like a champ.
This Mercury Retrograde is a test; a time to be uber mindful of your thoughts and your Ego. Aries is the Ruler of the Ego; the I Am, the Me, Me, Me, the I want, the temper tantrums and impatience. Test yourself to stay calm and Zen during this time and take the extra time that is needed; no rushing allowed. Be prepared is the key in the Retrograde. Currently, my check engine light is on in my car, I have been getting numerous warnings to back up my computer and so I will heed these warnings. Those that complain about breakdowns do not heed the warnings and if they would have only taken a moment to fix or back up issues, they would not be left stranded on the road or facing a computer crash. That is not to say that things will not happen, but if you just slow your roll and take care of what must be taken care of, double check things that need double checking like reservations and emails or texts or voice messages left, you will be safe. Also, it is good to prepare for delays; delays on the road, delays in the supermarket; things just sometimes take a little longer during a Mercury Retrograde, so come prepared, allow more time, have your earphones on the ready and your wait times will not disrupt.
Now, here is your Weekly Wisdom video; Tarot cards and soothing Crystals for the week -en-JOY xoxo Kim