“Fate: it’s out of your control. Destiny: it’s what you are meant to do”.
No more trudging along:
the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer last week should have cleared away the cobwebs and inspired our creativity. I noticed, not only in myself, but in others, that people are purging all of their junk; whether it be personal, emotional or physical clutter we have felt driven to make room for something … is it your dreams and wishes that you are making room for? Are you thinking of greener pastures, travel, new love, new home and new adventures!? This is our own Souls knowing that Fate has lead us to our true Destiny. This Full Moon also should have given us a new attitude about how we want to be treated by others and setting new boundaries in our personal and professional lives. This is, together with the beliefs we have about ourselves, will play a major roll in 2017 and where we are heading.
This week’s cards and energy:
It is all about the Quantum Shift that we are going through and releasing the need to control and shape how our Fate and Destiny will turn out, stepping back to see a new perspective and allowing everything to play out as it should. Some of us who are resistant and still trying to control everything will feel the need to turn back to old ways; it is easier to do what you know – I say, Be Brave and keep moving forward and don’t look back – you aren’t going that way any longer! Another topic that has been popping up over the last few years is about being your Authentic selves, stand tall and in integrity; anyone that is not on board with the real you has no business being a part of your life. “Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides”. Hide nothing and let the world know who you really are! …Coming up next week – Chinese New Year and a New Moon!
Now for your WW video – EnJoy! xoxo Kim