What a time we are living in right now; the month of August was filled with Astronomical events that will surely last us all a lifetime, hopefully for the better! That is what I want to talk about this week as many of us are hoping that the dual Eclipses in August 2017 will be a miracle cure for our happiness, prosperity, joy and abundance and that energy could just have been the foot in the ass we all needed to get up and get moving in a new direction. Many however, are deep down in the basement of their souls waiting for a miracle; I have good news.
For some reason (no coincidence, I am sure) I have been bringing up one of the books that truly saved me. “In the Meantime”, by Iyanla VanZant. I picked up this book when it was first published in 1998 – The last time the North Node of the Moon was in Leo. I was highly dissatisfied with my life and could not seem to find any joy. I was broke. Had a handsome, funny and brilliant boyfriend that was also a drug addict and cheater. I needed a new life. The words on the pages pulled me up from the basement and allowed me to make the most of the Astronomical and Astrological aspects that were occurring; fairly similar to what is happening now in 2017 in the skies. I am not trying to sell you her book, but what I am going to do is a weekly excerpt to help all of us be more joyful and find happiness, which will lead to prosperity and abundance.
Being in limbo, the in between is referred to as “The Meantime”. You may have lost a love, a job, a pet, a friend, a home, money; any of this transitional periods are called “The Meantime” – what do we do in the meantime until we are happy again? What do we do while we wait for something better to come along? How do we pull ourselves up and get ourselves out of the muck and mud? Hope is the key. Faith holds open a door for us to enter the home in which we all live, but first we must discover where in this house we are living and love has everything to do with the meantime.
“We all start out in the basement” or visit it from time to time. It is a place where our dirty crap lives, stuck in a corner, hidden from the sunlight. Our darkest parts of ourselves live in the basement; some never rise from the basement, but I have good news, if you are reading this, then you want more from your life; you want to be happy and prosperous. That is the first step; to know and ADMIT where you are and know that you do not like being in the basement. You know what is all wrong, but you are blind by your faults and weaknesses. It is love that will save the day; love for yourself. I know that sounds cliche, but it is the truth, love and gratitude wins the day!
Are you experiencing inner turmoil trying to figure out what to do next? Then you are in the right place right now. “There is no prescribed period or length of time that we spend in the meantime when life and loves have deserted us.” Do no despair, patience is the healing potion of the meantime. “The only thing that you need to do to get out of the basement is to admit that you need help and be willing to receive it.” It is time to shift from blaming and excuses; passive/aggressive behaviors into a receptive and active mode. If you have been doing the same thing over and over, waiting for something to change, know that only you must change; you must try something different and just be willing to want something better and something more. Shifting perspective will put you on the fastest healing path. It is up to you.
“You must be willing to pick up the broom, the mop, and the dust cloth and get to work cleaning yourself up and out. Cleaning out the old thoughts and behavior patterns so that you can get an accurate reading of your heart with your emotional compass. The good news is that in the basement, you will not actually do the work. The only requirement is for you to be willing.”
The Sun in Virgo is the best time to take stock and inventory of where we are. Assess our Integrity. Brush up on our health and well-being; Body, Mind and Soul.
Now here is your Weekly Wisdom – en-JOY! xoxo