Be like Ferdinand the Bull … take the present moment to stop and smell the flowers….
A New Moon is coming! Yes, there will be a New Moon, in Taurus, on Wednesday, April 26th so get those wishes ready. Not only is the New Moon primed for manifesting your wildest desires, but the entire transit of the Sun in Taurus is about manifesting; whether it be riches, new homes, new loves, the cars, money, creativity, jobs, promotions and the like, anything could happen in Taurus. The only possible hold up are all the Retrograde planets. So, I would have to say, that we may be waiting until at least August through October to harvest these wishes. Do not be impatient, just think of this time as you are planting the seeds of your desires and as we all know, we must water and nurture those seeds and pour sunshine on them so that we can reap the harvest when they are ready.
The beauty and calmness of Taurus allows us to appreciate what is before us in the present time. This gratitude for what is now will prep us for being able to receive our wishes come the Autumn. We must maintain the attitude of gratitude and keep our vibrations high, loving life as it is and enjoying what we have in the present in order for us to be able to handle and accept more.
People often ask me why their wishes did not come true. The simplest of answers are:
- You were not ready for it
- You do not appreciate what you have now, so why would you receive more
- Something better than you can imagine is waiting for you instead
- Your vibe is wavering; hold the vibe as if you already have what you desire and see how quickly it shows up
- It is not something that would truly benefit the bigger picture of your life; sometimes we cannot see how our desires will disrupt the grand scheme and balance of life and could often lead you too destruction.
So, if something that does not come your way, either it was not meant for you, you may have been protected from receiving it or you are not vibrating at the exact level of being able to receive it until you do.
Relax, Rest, Retreat and Rejuvenate – take these Retrogrades one day at a time and bask in the energy of the Sun in Taurus – love it, appreciate it and enjoy being in the present. The Taurus energy is also about connecting with the energy of Gaia or Mother Earth. Enjoy her beauty and bring that glory into your own heart and focus on numero uno and that is YOU! Xoxo Kim Now enjoy your Weekly Wisdom video: