Valentine’s Day, a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse this week are sure to launch us in new directions.
Valentine’s Day has Venus transiting Pisces for Valentine’s Day, no matter your relationship status; Single, Looking, “It’s Complicated”, Committed or Deeply Attached, Pining for the One that got away or in the throes of holy Matrimony; we will all have our heads in the clouds and the twinkle of dreamers in our eyes. There is a longing for romance and poetry and tiny violins playing a Puccini concerto in a room dappled with rose petals and softly lit candle light glow.
That would be the light and loving side of the Venus in Pisces transit this week; the Shadow side (there is always a Shadow side) has us longing and wanting and often accepting affections that are not in our best interest just for the sake of being loved. I always say “Never Settle” and neither should you. If you find yourself without an official Valentine, you can always love yourself, do something wonderful for yourself; buy yourself chocolates, cook or order out a nice dinner, take a bubble bath by candlelight or allow yourself to linger in bed for an extra 10 minutes after the alarm goes off. Personally, I do all of these things for myself at least once per week if not several. This is called Self-Love or Self-Nurturing and if you are not nurturing and loving yourself, then begin a new ritual of at least one wonderful act of love towards yourself per day or per week. This recommendation goes for everybody and is in perfect timing for the upcoming New Moon and Solar Eclipse. These new acts of self-love can include eating well, exercise, taking a daily walk, meditation, getting enough sleep, saying No when you are really not wanting an “obligation”; the list in my head goes on and on, you create your own ways to be loving and nurturing to YOU!
New Moon, Solar Eclipse on Thursday, February 15th at 4:05 p.m. EST is sure to bring a burst of new energy to us all!
We got through an energetically draining 2017, looking for new hope in 2018 only to smacked in the face with a January’s first Full Moon in the degree of Integrity then a Lunar Eclipse in the second Full Moon, also in the degree of Integrity. I called that tough love January. We do not like looking at our Shadows, but we had to in order to prepare for this upcoming Solar Eclipse.
Lunar Eclipses shine a dim light on our ugly spots and take away or force us to get rid of what is no longer serving us. Sure, we had several chances to do that last year, but the January Lunar Eclipse was that one final push for those who continue to resist and further influence our need for personal truth. Interesting how my theme of last week was the Truth card. Too often we lie to ourselves about the truth of ourselves and situations just because it is easier and more delightful to view.
New Moons are just that; a time to make new wishes, launch new ideas, start new ventures and resolutions. Solar Eclipses shine a huge bright light on the path that we should venture on to. This New Moon and Solar Eclipse are both in Aquarius, the innovator, the eclectic, the unusual, the humanitarian and creative genius in all of us and both at 27 degrees; that of intuitive action. We should all be getting a super charged shift in the areas of our lives that need the biggest push. Love, dreams, transformations, life purpose, life styles, self-love, home, family, work and career; there is something beneficial and wonderful waiting for each of us by the end of this week. If you do not feel a major shift in the areas of your life that have felt stagnant, then you need to do some deep, meditative soul searching to figure out why you are blocking your success time and time again.
Since Aquarius energy is much like the know-it-all in the classroom, I would hope that we get a booster shot of this knowledge that empowers our souls to be the know-it-alls of our own personal success. I feel very optimistic about the astronomical event, but I should warn you, we may need some extra rest and sleep this week; getting to bed early and taking a little nap if necessary. Sleeping and resting will allow the body to be in a relaxed and receptive state primed for this burst. Also, the New Moon often zaps our energy and leaves us feeling less than our best, so it is a good excuse to catch up on some much needed zzz’s!
Rose Quartz -the perfect crystal for Valentine’s Day!
Called the Heart Stone, Rose Quartz may have been used as a love token as early as 600 B.C. and is still an important talisman of relationships. It is quite effective in attracting new love, romance and intimacy, or in developing a closer bond with family or friends. It supports connection within groups and community, and carries a high spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine. [Eason, 50][Simmons, 331][Hall, 236]
Rose Quartz also inspires the love of beauty, in oneself and others, in nature, and especially that which stimulates the imagination – art, music and the written word. [Melody, 570] Prized in the ancient world for its powers of physical beautification, facial masks of Rose Quartz have been recovered from Egyptian tombs, thought by the Egyptians and Romans to clear the complexion and prevent wrinkles. It was also a stone honored by the Tibetan and Oriental cultures, and continues to be one of the major carving stones of China. [Mella, 97]
Rose Quartz Uses and Purposes – Overview
Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy, and to take to the hospital to be near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow. [Eason, 50] Placing baby milk or food within a circle of Rose Quartz for a few minutes helps ease colic or feeding difficulties. [Eason, 40]
To call in love or strengthen a romantic relationship, place pink roses and twin Rose Quartz hearts on a private love altar and light pink candles, or enclose a photo of yourself and a lover within a heart shape of tiny Rose Quartz crystals. [Eason, 50] Rose Quartz may also be placed by the bed or in the relationship corner of the home to restore trust and harmony, and encourage unconditional love. [Hall, 236]
As a stone of love, tenderness and sensuality, Rose Quartz is a powerful aphrodisiac, stimulating sensual imagination. [Megemont, 158]
Rose Quartz is a wonderful sleep crystal for adults and children, providing beautiful dreams as well as preventing nightmares or night terrors. It also helps children to not be afraid of the dark. [Eason, 50]
Rose Quartz is a calming and reassuring crystal, excellent for use in trauma or crisis, including the emotional upheaval of mid-life crisis. It strengthens empathy, sensitivity, and aids in the acceptance of necessary change. It is also an excellent stone for comforting grief. [Hall, 236]
A large piece of unpolished Rose Quartz in the workplace provides ongoing protection against intrusion and gossip. [Eason, 50] It is also a professional support stone for beauty consultants. [Mella, 130]
The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the Heart Chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored. It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart’s ability to give and receive love, and replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment. A deep sense of personal fulfillment and energy forms a new foundation where inner peace and contentment can become a personal reality. [Raphaell, 82-83]
Rose Quartz is also a stone for those unable to experience the joy of living because of never having had love given to them, possibly missing the love and nurturing as a child that is vital for the development of security and a positive self image. Rose Quartz is the healer for these internal wounds, erasing the primal imprints and reprogramming the heart to accept the infinite source of love that comes from within the self. Only after learning to give love to the self is it possible to truly love others. [Raphaell, 82-83, 85]
Pink Rose Quartz is the most important crystal of the heart and the Heart Chakra, teaching the true essence of love, and purifying and opening the heart at all levels. [Hall, 235]
The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone and regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment, and helps us in understanding our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.
Rose Quartz also balances the yin-yang energy, and can bring all the other chakras into harmony and unity with the Heart. With the power of its light red rays, Rose Quartz gently stimulates the Base Chakra to help rejuvenate the physical body.
Located at the base of the spine, the Base Chakra controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When it is in balance, the physical body gains strength and spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one’s own power.
Rose Quartz is feminine in tone and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe.
Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. [Simmons, 331]
shared from Crystal Vaults.com
Now, here are the cards, crystals and your Weekly Wisdom video- en-JOY xoxo Kim