We are entering into powerful astro energy over the next 2 weeks; get ready! We have a New Moon, December 18th in Sagittarius at 26 ° = MAGIC in my opinion. Tuesday brings Saturn moving into Capricorn. The last time we experienced this energy was 1988-1991; prior dates include 1959-1962 and 1929-1932. Each of these dates held major Financial impacts in our world; luckily the crashes occurred when Saturn slipped back into Sagittarius during a Retrograde and then back into Capricorn; I do not see that happening during this 2017-2020 transit!
Never-the-less, it will be a time where we must step up into the role of responsibility. Taking responsibility for our actions and consequences. I fear those that play victim, blame others for their situations and cannot see how they play the major role in what happens in their lives, will suffer over the next 3 years.
I know many people that claim to be enlightened, yet still complain how this one did this and that one did that…. you will have your asses kicked by this Saturn in Capricorn. Worry about yourselves and your own behavior… remember, those who show up in our lives or the situations that show up are merely a reflection of our own energy that we emit out into the world. Our energy becomes a request.
I would like to wish you all a beautiful and joyous Holiday Season; I am taking a break until December 30th where I will return with a LIVE WEEKLY WISDOM… I am taking a Poll on Facebook for the time slot… so hop on over to https://www.facebook.com/ExpressionsoftheUniverse and cast your vote for 12pm EST or 7ishpm EST. I will be pulling cards for all those that ask to see what your 2018 will bring!
Now, en-JOY the Weekly Wisdom xoxo-Kim