The Sun has left Leo and has now entered Earthy Virgo; a much needed reprieve from the fun, excitement and fire brought on by the Lion. Since Virgo is Virtue, the Virgin, the goddess of the skies, she bestows upon us the theme of our health. Whether it by body, mind or spiritual health, that is what she highlights, to me anyway. How appropriate that I find myself a bit under the weather and unable to accomplish my tasks and goals and am forced to take care of myself. I did not heed last week’s card “Time for a Nap” and I kept going. Busy with appointments and chores in addition to the challenge that I proposed to all of you to “Ask Me Anything” I find that I am not well enough (at the time of this writing) to answer any of those questions. You will notice at the end of this week’s video, I start to loose my voice and I decided to record the answers to your questions in a separate video; that attempt fell short once the Universe made it known that I would not be recording, by layering on technical difficulties to my devices; a Sign that I should stop and nurse my fever and sore throat. I took to the NyQuil and to my bed for 12 solid hours of slumber and to no avail as I still feel like crap. I will rest a bit more and come back and attempt to get those answers to you. I did record one answer ( you will see later that the video keeps freezing up. I could try to re-record, but then that takes away the authenticity in the answer- Right?
OK – Back to this Virgo Moon. She will be coming in on Friday, August 30th @ 6:37 a.m. at 6 degrees Eastern Standard Time bringing with her an honest heart, opened wide with Truth and Integrity. The need to nurture ourselves has never been clearer. In this week’s video, I will show you some important aspects of the Stars and the New Moon Chart so be sure to check it out and stay tuned for the answers to the Ask Me Anything Series!