I am changing it up this week by reaching out to you, the viewer, the reader to implore you to “ASK ME ANYTHING”. I will continue this series to add a new layer or element to my Weekly Wisdoms and allow you to simply asking me anything. What are your burning questions? Have your questions featured/answered in my Weekly Wisdom video on YouTube!!! Tarot, Astrology, Astronomy, Loved ones that have crossed over, nature, Animal Totems, Crystals, natural Health and Wellbeing…. seriously ANYTHING! Maybe I will pull a card, a crystal or Channel a special message just for You! You can ask through emailing me here, or on Expressions of The Universe’s Facebook or Instagram Pages via DM or Private Message! As a special bonus, you will receive a discount coupon code for a Private Reading.
This week’s questions and time stamps are
19:56-Numerology Seeing 222 333 555 etc.
27:30-What is a Stellium in an Astrology Chart- I also explain a Yod
35:55-Why does my child hate me & blame me for everything
42:18-Special Angel Card for Gonzalo
44:22-Am I on the Right Path
56:26-Health, Digestive & Stomach issues
1:06:11-Will I be strong enough or remain the same
The Sun will move into Virgo this week bringing some tension and changes ahead as we slow down and get down to business. A change in the Seasons is imminent; moving from Fire to Earth, we become grounded and exacting. The cards and the energy are indicating that it is time to get very Honest and Real with ourselves, an incessant truth that must be discovered. Virgo is virtue and integrity. Find out this week what the cards are asking us to ask ourselves for finding our true joy and happiness!
Here is your Weekly Wisdom video- en-JOY! xoxo Kim
Hello Kimberly, I’ve just discovered your site and am a bit confused as to where the ASK ME ANYTHING section is. I would be most grateful to speak with you. Tysvm
You can comment right here and ask your question… I will make note of it and answer in an upcoming video. I will be sure to let you know when your answer will be shown!!!! THANK YOU so very much ❤
PS… you can also post a question on Expressions Facebook Page under the Ask Me Anything post