mercury retro wonderland credit keen
Yes, it is happening again, Mercury is turning Retrograde. I am at the point that all I can say is BIG DEAL…well not really, but I do pay attention and I do double check things like reservations, texts messages and emails before I send them and I back up my blogs more frequently. I can recall a year ago when I was doing the HTML programming for this blog site and I had spent 11 hours of typing programs (this was after I had posted a blog about Mercury Retrograde). Well, I had saved about 3 hours in and just kept plugging away at the codes when my daughter’s Beagle puppy came running through the house like the Tasmanian Devil, jumped up into my lap and ran across my laptop erasing all 11 hours of the code. I was done and did not have the energy to reprogram again for about 3 weeks. I learned a valuable lesson that day and now I back up every 15-minutes.
Mercury is joining 4 other planets already in Retrograde; Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Pluto. It is one big backwards party up there in the heavens, but it is giving us a glorious opportunity to take a quick look back (not dwell) and move forward on to the path you were destined for. You can read more about the details of Mercury Retrograde in these previous blogs: Mercury Retrograde 1 year ago Merc Retro from 9/2015 Our Last Mercury Retrograde
Also, during these Retrogrades we can start working on our Chakras to get them strong, clear and flowing. Since the Sun is in Taurus the Bull; who’s energy represents material goods, needs and wants, desires and beautiful things, you can check out this blog on the Root Chakra Stones . It is really important to start from the ground up and get balance in your Root. This is where we carry all of our insecurities; financial, self-esteem, love, hopes and dreams. Get that clear and strong and watch abundance flow to you. The Root is located where your “Sit” bones are and is represented by the color Red. Wear Red, think Red.

Later this week I will post the next Chakra which is the Sacral Chakra and represented by the color Orange.
This week’s wisdom is all about Abundance, setting your intentions for your desires and then detaching from those desires once wished and allow them to flow to you. You will need to listen to your inner being, your spirit guides and the Divine; it will not steer you in the wrong direction. Put up your protection, wear your armor and set healthy boundaries with those around you; it seems that there is someone around you that could be or is taking advantage of you and using their emotional imbalance to their advantage. You do not need to feel the emotions of others even if you are empathic or compassionate towards their problems. Remember, detachment is the key here otherwise you will be on the lesson loop; until you can learn to detach and let go, you will be living where you do not want to be over and over again until you finally detach. Once you can be thankful for these lessons, living in gratitude, be gracious and generous mass abundance will be coming your way! Now, enjoy this week’s video message and remember I love you and I am grateful for you! xoxo-Kim