I am changing things up around here partially at the request of some of you readers and watchers and some for my personal preferences. I am presenting my weekly messages in 3 separate segments; the weekly Astro Forecast, the weekly Crystal Cards and Stones and the weekly Intuitive Tarot Card Readings. The premise of this change is due to some of you asking for shorter videos or segments so that you can see specifically what you are interested in, my Millennial daughter said that nobody watches a video for more than 5 minutes (not true, I watch Chris Witecki every morning while I am getting ready for work for 20-25 minutes—every day), but that is part of my continuing education for all of you as well and he is awesome and interesting too. Anyway, my daughter said that she refuses to watch any video that is timed more than say 5 minutes because she does not have the time. So, what I have decided to try for the next few weeks is to record 3 segments, post them right here, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and I will also post the entire video on YouTube and Facebook. I really would love your feed back, so please comment me on any of the venues. Scroll down below for the videos this week. (Just noticed A BIG OOPS – I mention Jupiter in Virgo and Meant to say Pluto in Virgo people born 1957-1972. My Pluto was in Virgo and my Jupiter was in Gemini -sorry for the mistake in the Astro video)
In last week’s video we had a triple play of the Canadian Geese flying over head and bringing us their energy. I promised to write about it more and never got the chance to sit down and write all week. I mentioned that I felt that Goose was about family, sticking together, team work and cooperation. I also misinformed you when I said that if one goose is injured, they all stay back for him/her –Incorrect as 2 from the flock will stay back and wait for that goose to either heal or die and then they will continue their journey. The goose is also asking us to Protect what is most valuable to you, but to make sure that what you are protecting is worth protecting. That is saying (to me) check and make sure that the path that you are on is your own and that you are not taking on someone else’s journey and forsaking your own personal quest. We do this a lot when it comes to our family and we put our own needs aside.
Here are your videos for the week! ENJOY and please let me know what you think <3 You