justice credit to pixnet
What a week we had and what a week on its way, the planetary energy is about to explode, illuminating situations that have been hidden in the darkness for far too long.
Energetic themes include the truth, integrity, authenticity, fairness, balance, harmony and justice; but for who? With Jupiter wrapping up its transit in Scorpio just in time for Venus to Retrograde in Scorpio; the #MeToo movement has a front row seat in the news. I spoke about this in my video last year how the light would be shone in those dark places of sexual misconduct; injustice for women and children, victims of abuse. My commentary in this week’s video may not sit well with many and I take that risk. I’m not taking sides. I do feel that the majority of the world’s female population has been victimized in some way, but in many ways we all need to take accountability for the compromised situations we put ourselves in for the sake of popularity, love, belonging and even money.
Because I can “see” beyond what most can, I see that this movement has brought out people that are just looking for revenge and attention and it takes away from the true victims of injustice. I am not just speaking about on television, but in social media and in the world. I have to commend some women for being brave enough to speak out, but so many are riding on a movement for the wrong reasons. I feel deep down inside that Brett Kavanaugh is wearing a mask; there is a layer to him that Dr. Ford’s testimony and the questions of the Senate are allowing the public to see beneath that mask. Most do not see what I see behind the mask. There are little clues to his facial expressions and tones in his voice that tell me he is a threat to the women’s freedom in the United States —> Venus Retrograde, Jupiter in Scorpio, the Mercury Squared Pluto, the Sun Squared Saturn and Mars Squared Uranus will be an announcement this week showing us the direction we are going in. The light wants to shine, the truth wants to be known, justice wants to be served. I feel sorry for all the victims of abuse of any kind; it hurts my heart, but victims need to empower themselves by letting go and moving on. The victim mentality no longer serves.
Soon we will see the North Node move into Cancer followed by Jupiter transiting into Sagittarius – this is where the expansion and movement can take place. People will begin to rise up against the “system” and take back their power by relying on themselves. More of this to come!
Now here is your Weekly Wisdom! en-JOY xoxo- Kim Please share, like, comment and subscribe: