Here comes the Venus Retrograde in Leo and this one has the potential for explosive, creative ideas, the chance to find our inner child again, find love, explore passion projects, play, laugh and remember how to truly enjoy life once again!
First, let’s take a look at the basics – The critical degrees will cover 12° 12′ through 28° 36′ of Leo. The key dates are:
- Pre-Shadow Begins June 19, 2023 at 12° 12′ Leo
- Retrograde Begins July 22, 2023 at 28° 36′ Leo
- Retrograde Ends September 3, 2023 at 12° 12′ Leo
- Post-Shadow Ends October 7, 2023 at 28° 36′ Leo
The above dates and degrees can give you all a good idea of exactly how all retrogrades work. They begin at a certain point at the pre-shadow, pass through all the degrees to the point of the beginning of the retrograde, crawl back through the degrees that were previously covered in the pre-shadow, then have to move through those degrees once more to the beginning point of the retrograde, now called the post-shadow. This is a three (3) time pass through a certain Sign and Degrees, giving us all a chance to observe the happenings in the pre-shadow, make note of them, go back and re-review them during the retrograde, then sort them out and fully integrate the lessons in the post-shadow.
Other basics of Venus Retrograde include the themes of Money and Finances, Trends in Art, Fashion, Music, Trends involving what is acceptable and involving laws and civics. Be on the lookout for some eye opening changes surrounding those themes as there will be shifts in all of the above. With this Venus Retrograde in Leo expect the shifts to be loud and bold, taking center stage. Some of the biggest Music and Fashion trends all began during Venus Retrogrades! My most memorable Venus Retrograde shift was during the early 1990’s when Big Hair Metal Bands and Acid Wash Jeans were all the rage and then suddenly, as if overnight, a band called Nirvana released “Smells Like Teen Spirit” during a Venus Retrograde and Grunge, Flannel, Tattoos and Piercings all came into fashion and the music of the time changed into one of the most prolific music and fashions scenes the world has experienced. It was such a sudden shift that those Big Hair Metal Bands tried suing Nirvana for stealing their thunder; most specifically Guns and Roses Axl Rose. It was no coincidence that that Retrograde was in Virgo and the lead singer for Nirvana, Kirk Cobain was a Virgo Rising. This is how profound a Retrograde can be.
Another retrograde story that I find fascinating is that of Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Brad and Angelina met on set filming Mr. & Mrs. Smith during a Venus Retrograde. Brad was married to Jennifer Aniston at the time. The Venus Retrograde presents a choice to him and it is as if he could not help himself; Venus, the Goddess of Love and Desire overtakes him and he leaves Jennifer for Angelina. Years later, during another Venus Retrograde, they got engaged and then 8 years later, during the return of that first Venus Retrograde Cycle, they married.
For the record, Venus travels in 8 year cycles and will always be in one of 5 specific Signs as mentioned in my Venus Star Point article venus-star-point-in-libra-beginning-of-a-new-era and always creating a five-pointed star during the full transit cycle. Before we move on to this retrogrades specifics, the Signs it will affect , here are the links to some of my former Venus Retrograde articles of years gone by
- weekly-wisdom-march-12-18-2017-full-worm-moon-venus-retrograde
- weekly-wisdom-march-5-11-2017-the-dark-side-of-venus-retrograde-karma
- fated-love-soul-mates-and-karmic-destiny-venus-retrograde-march-4-april-15-2017
- retrograde-season-2020-begins
- expressionsoftheuniverse.com/queue-fate-destiny-venus-enters-her-shadow-retrograde-explained/
- expressionsoftheuniverse.com/venus-star-point-in-libra-beginning-of-a-new-era/
Here is a diagram I created to show you what Signs will have the most impact from this Venus Retrograde. You want to look and see where Leo falls in your own charts. Also, where is your Sun, Rising Ascendant and Moon? What do you have in the Signs that will be most impacted? The Planets in this chart are the transits as of July 22, 2023 at 9:33 pm EST. The aspects that Venus makes to the Signs are an opposition to Aquarius, squared to Taurus and Scorpio; they are represented by red lines as there could be tension or challenges in those Houses or areas of our lives. Venus will trine Sagittarius and Aries, sectile Libra and Gemini and represented by the blue lines which tend to be more harmonious. Neither Red or Blue is essentially Good or Bad and you will really have to see how they play out for you and your own chart. Often the harmonious aspects bring laziness or lack of gumption and the challenging aspects tend to be more fruitful and productive; unless one takes the victim route.

We should also take a look at the Houses that these fall in our own charts which will highlight the areas and people of our lives that will be most prominent:

The Venus Retrograde occurs approximately every 18 months for about 40 days, not including the Shadow period. Venus runs in 8 year cycles (see my article on the Venus Starpoint.) The last Venus Rx in Leo was 2015, previous 2007; both showing dips in the economy; the later preceded a housing bubble burst and financial institution collapse, similar to current economic temperatures. But Venus in Leo feels so good, we are spending like it is the last day of our lives and we don’t see the fall coming.
Venus Rules Love & Money = Value(s) – this will be a great time to continue the lessons of the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio, which asked us over the last 18 months to take a look at our values, self-worth, money and the like and kill of and discard what is no longer working. We are taking this Venus Retrograde to heart ; sinking deep into our hearts over the next 40 days and deciding what is truly the most important in our lives; what and who do we love, who and what do we spend our money on? This Rx comes on the heels of a Nodal Shift as the North and South Nodes will enter Aries/Libra just before Venus officially Retrogrades which could definitely stir up some old loves from the past or from past lives so be on the look out.
Be sure to check out the Aries/Libra Node shift blog
Here is the companion video (check back soon)