Uranus -the Planet of Unexpected Chaos, Unexpected Change becomes super strong for the next week as it Stations Direct Jan 30th at 11:22 am ET at 23° Taurus. When a planet prepares to Station (either Direct or Retrograde), its energy is amplified. No surprise that we saw a plane crash last night when we were under the Black (New) Moon in Aquarius (Ruled by both Saturn and Uranus) and Squaring Uranus Stationing in Taurus. Let’s take a look at some charts where is it evident just how powerful the planets can be.
Here I have the chart of DJT (as I know his Midheaven (MC) is in Taurus and on the Cusp of his 10th House of Career and Public visibility, government, profession, the public view. This chart has been combined with the current transits. I pointed out the aspects being made. Mars making a Square to transiting Uranus and opposing the Moon. Red lines are tension, accidents, inflammation, anger, explosion, health concerns. The blue lines are normally harmonious trines or sextiles, semi-sextiles, but with these planets, the show additional upsets or health concerns. The green lines are quincunxes or inconjunctions, whereas there is disparity between two entities or bodies, a disconnect between responsibility and the wounds from either this life or a past life.
Mental and Physical capacities are declining or are in jeopardy.
I would be worried about circulation, heart, blood, stroke prone, heart attack prone, tripping or falling caution. This could also lead to further erratic mental behavior as well. I would also look at the Stellium in the 6th House (health)in Aquarius and the 8th House of Pisces, circulation, lower legs, lymphatic system, elimination system issues and possibly digestive.
There is further concern when transiting Jupiter Stations Direct next week, aspecting the natal Sun , Uranus and North Node in the 10th House, followed by Mars Stationing Direct and heading for the 12th House, natal Mars and the Ascendant February 23rd onward to March 2025.
This is a very simplified analysis of this moment. Just making a marker in time.
We can also take a look at the Potomac Plane crash in Washington DC on the evening of January 29, 2025. Not only is there a concentration of energy on this New Moon in Aquarius (Ruled by Saturn and Uranus) in the 5th House of Pleasure, Joy, Children, but this is Squaring Uranus Stationing Direct in a wide orb, but remember a Stationing planet has a concentration of energy as well. We also see that The Sun (vital life force), Moon (feelings and emotions), Mercury (short trips, travel, communication) and Pluto (planet of death) are Trining Jupiter in Gemini in the 9th House of something big happening over water, and as Jupiter itself is preparing to Station Direct in a few days. I could also point out Venus and Neptune in Pisces (water) are in opposition to the South Node in Virgo further showing the catastrophe at hand.
It would be wise for us all to be cautious during travel for the next two weeks.