Turquoise Spirit carries the essential meaning for storytelling, re-framing, a different way of perceiving.
Each of us can experience the same event differently, because all of us are coming from different vantage points. Know too that as you change, so will your perspective, and the message. Turquoise spirit has for you is that you can change your story of what happened in the past at any time. You can choose which details to focus on and how to interpret events, for you are being encouraged to claim your power as a storyteller. Make no mistake storytelling is an awesome power. For no one can take your truth away from you. But you may discover that it has more angles than you realized. Just as a crystal turned over in your hand has more facets than apparent at first glance. What story will you tell? Will it come from a place of empowerment or from the station of the martyr and victim?
Turquoise wants us to write a beautiful and truthful story; written well in a way that honors all that you have endured, but with an empowering and healing tone – what I hear is that now more than ever, we should consider choosing our words wisely as once released, so is the vibration of those words that will reverberate back from the Conscious Universe.
We are still in the power of the New Moon in Virgo, combined with a Grand Trine in Earth from September 6-16th – this is a time period of abundance and healing as those are the energies of the Earth. We can heal ourselves physically and emotionally, we will have the energy to obtain the safety, security and comfort that we desire. Yes, times will be intense, but this Grand Trine is truly a blessing that provides us a little ease in our situations, provides the support that is needed so that we may rest our heads a bit. As Virgo Rules the Body, now is a good time to sink in and listen to our bodies, maybe over haul our diets, sleep or exercise regimens as it is success is favored.
I don’t know if it is psychosomatic or true, but I began wearing all of my Turquoise after shooting the photo for this post and with a huge crack in my old crickity bones, I felt instant relief from the constant pain I have been in with my back, hip and leg. It has been 6 hours and all is still well! I will see and report back.
Being a Throat Chakra stone, Turquoise helps to heal all issues in that area. If you have a sore throat, respiratory issues, allergies, migraines, and other physical ailments that run through the ears, nose, throat, and lungs, then Turquoise is ever keen to lend a hand.
This stone is deeply connected to the breath and as it brings a soothing cool water touch, it can help the breath and lungs find a deeper flow meaning that everything from bronchial issues to panic attacks are well and truly kept at bay. Overall, Turquoise works best as a strengthening stone and is full of anti-inflammatory properties which can help rheumatism and other issues. This stone is all about upping your immune system, helping you to soak up those nutrients, clearing acidic anxiety out to solve mood swings, and totally rebalancing your physical body and soul so that you feel fresh, cleansed, and clear-headed in this muddy world.
Turquoise works wonders on your well-being across the board, but as a healing stone for your emotional and mental health is where it shimmers and shines the most. It’s healing energy is all about serenity and peace – just like stepping out into the cooling hues of calm waters on a hot day. For those who are feeling burnt out or like their spirit is being weighed down, this stone knows how to effectively heal those life traps, so you can shake free and step into your own space rather than trying to cram all your feelings into a box.
Turquoise is a soft and gentle truth seeker. It invites you to plunge beneath the surface and to figure out what is working for you and what isn’t. There’s no need to feel overwhelmed as it doesn’t do this in a pushy way but rather eases you in by giving you courage, strength, and a calmness of mind. It is a stone of communication, both with others and with our own selves.
When we are aligned with our vital tools of communication and feel like we are being heard, this lays space for compassion to grow. Turquoise has a soft and radiant nature, inviting compassion to ebb outwards, but also to turn inwards. Sometimes, our inner critic is given too much space, but this stone brings wise words and ideas to pass without the threat of our own judgement.
There’s no denying that Turquoise is a tonic for the spirit. It works closely with our throat chakra which is the core of our communication and feeling heard – both of which add to our sense of self-worth. A blocked throat chakra can lead to many problems both within the way we speak to ourselves and how we communicate with the world. If you struggle to open your throat chakra you may have trouble being heard and valued, you may find it tricky to keep your boundaries clear, and you may feel like your people-pleasing is holding you in place. As a stone that connects with the throat chakra and invites it to flow, Turquoise is all about bringing your truth bubbling to the surface.
If you are looking to leap higher, then Turquoise once more lends a hand. It’s a stone that has been known to crack open minds and to aid in spiritual transformation no matter which stage of your journey you find yourself at. This stone will work beautifully with Eris, the Goddess of Chaos and Discord, as she moves from the skies and takes to the streets to Square it off with Pluto in Capricorn (old regime); she is fighting for the people, she is the voice of the people. Expect protests and uprisings throughout 2022 that are beginning to kick off around the world and will truly heighten after October 9, 2021 as humanitarian injustice fires up.