Guilt, a funny word and a funny feeling. Now the guilt pours over me as I sit here typing away as I feel as though I should be in the garden pulling weeds or performing some other cleaning duty in the home. However, it is absolutely wonderful out here on my deck. The sun is beginning to set in the West, there is a powerful breeze blowing through the canopy of trees above my head, my two dogs and one of my cats are laying out here with me. This is luxury at its finest in my book. To be free of all burdens and just enjoying this very moment. Gone are the pangs of guilt as I cherish this one moment of time. This is perfection.
The birds are chirping and calling to each other, happy without a care in the world (to me, in my mind). They are probably scurrying around to get their last meals before bed time.
The whir of cars flying by in the distance as people make their way home from a long day at work. I just want one more moment of this, just allow it to linger a little while longer.
I have full intention of going out to the garden and do some weeding before the sun sets and I am forced to come back inside and sit in front of a television screen to kill the hours before bed time, but for now, just allow me to enjoy this moment in time.
I adore this time of day- Sunset- Spring. The sun is shining brightly, yet the heat of the sun is gone. The breeze is blowing vigorously through the tops of the trees and just barely kissing down on my skin. I can see the breeze, yearning for slight touches of it on my skin. Please allow me to savor this moment in time.