Have you been extra tired, drained generally not feeling well? I know I have been. Yes, I am getting over either a mild flu or a really bad cold, the weather has changed drastically since the Autumnal Equinox a few weeks ago and I really believe that has a effect on our physical bodies. In addition, astronomers have been saying that we have been having Solar Flares (when the Sun sends of little explosions) and reportedly that has an effect on our energy levels. Solar winds also blow across the Earth and this electromagnetic energy wakes us up during the night and helps us have crazy dreams. Have you been having crazy dreams? I know mine have been off the chain- including the haunting Bird/Duck dream that I had two nights ago and I just cannot seem to shake the symbolism. You are not the only one and a few of my friends even asked me about some of their wild dreams this week and what the symbolism is.
Mostly everyone is dreaming about animals or spirits on the other side. Well, it is that time of year again, when the Veil between our (physical) world and that of the Other Side becomes so thin that our our loved ones, our Spirit Guides and Animal Totems have much easier access to us and our subconscious and physical existence. So, if your dreams are wild and you are being woke up in the middle of the night, don’t be surprised if you are having visitations – they will only get stronger leading up to All Hallow’s Eve. These disturbances usually occur between 2 and 3 a.m. when we are asleep and most relaxed, there is little or no traffic outside, electronics are turned off, the world is quiet and there is no interference. All Hallow’s Eve or Samhain (pronounced Sawen) is followed by Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead, where it is believed that our ancestors come to feast on gifts that we provide for them and some celebrate All Saints Day, where you honor religious saints instead of your ancestors. Either way, it is our job in the living, to provide offerings – thus the candy that is served to all of the little goblins that come knocking.
The Thinning of the Veil occurs all during the year, but more so during certain times when the Moon is Full or Eclipsing, certain planetary alignments and astronomical/astrological phenomena, solar flaring, big storms also create intense energy and act as an energetic conductor to allow spirit activity to cross over into our physical world. People can experience increased visual phenomena, sounds, sights, smells and mostly feel the energy. It is a time to pay attention to your senses. No you are not going crazy and we all have the ability to pick up and sense spirit, you just have to be open to it, grounded and quiet. When we are rushing around crazy going about our daily life, we are so distracted be external stimuli that we miss most of what is really going on around us. You may be hypersensitive and emotional when the Veil is Thin and not aware where your feelings are coming from – don’t be surprised if you are picking up energy. Now is a time where you may experience unbelievable things; you may witness objects moving, alarms clocks going off when they are not supposed to, phones ringing with no one actually on the other end, lights and electronics randomly turning on and off and your pets could be going nuts and barking or chasing invisible playmates. Also, do not be surprised if items go missing even when you knew exactly where you placed them and then suddenly reappear later in the day or the next day in some bizarre place that you know you did not put them. Look at this time of the year as a lucky opportunity for signs and messages from your loved ones. I even go as far as asking for specific signs from specific loved ones so I know they are here with me- I know they are, but my busy life has me not always paying attention. This is a good time for me to purposely reconnect with them as the Thin Veil makes it easier for them to communicate with me. It is also beneficial to acknowledge the presence that you see, feel or hear because they want to be noticed and acknowledged and will keep bugging you until you do. Of course, if someone is really disturbing you, please let them know – you may say “I feel or see you and I thank you for your presence, but I want you to go now as this is my home and you need to go back to yours.” Be loving.
Now, back to the crazy dreams….Pay attention to them, especially the messages that are within the dream. Are there animal totems showing up? If so, pay attention to who they are as their messages will guide you in the coming months or year. Do your loved ones that have left you have something to say to you as well? Just pay attention. When you go to bed, be sure to fully relax and be open to what ever comes your way. This is where a pure heart and good intentions daily payoff…you will have pleasant visits. If you are living in the dark (so to speak) do not be surprised if your visitors are also from a darker side. Good reason to lighten up mentally and in your soul. Should you have a dark visitor, just claim your space, tell them they are not welcomed and that this is your home and they need to leave, clap your hands together once (loudly) after you proclaim your space. There has never been a better reason to become well intended than right now as any ugly thoughts, actions and behaviors will attract the same to you. Be light, free, kind and beauty hearted and have sweet dreams in return. One of the most common and easiest ways for spirit to contact us is through our dreams. Our monkey minds are relaxed and clear and open to receiving information. If you are constantly on the go during the day, spirit looks at the time of our sleeping as the best opportunity to slip in and make contact. If you are dreaming of a deceased loved one, chances are it is not coincidence and they are visiting you to bring you a message or comfort. If you wake up and have an intense overwhelming feeling from seeing them in your dream, like something you just cannot shake, chances are it was a visitation and not just a dream.
Now is a great time to make sure you and your space are clean and grounded. Clear the energy in your home or space during at this time by Smudging- the ancient art of burning herbs, incense or resins. There are many different ways to Smudge, but the most common is to either just burn incense in your rooms or go around your home with a lit white sage bundle in a clock wise motion while setting the intention for negative energy to leave and only allowing positive energy to be invited into your home. I recommend keeping your windows and doors open while doing this so that the negative energy has a clear escape route. You can also smudge yourself, your crystals or other items in your home individually. Be sure to get the corners too as stagnant energy collects there. White candles with incense are also a great way to keep the good energy flowing in each room as well. Grounding crystals such as Black Tourmaline, Hematite and Obsidian are wonderful stones to keep with you to help you stay grounded and positive. Get out into nature – even it is your own backyard. Doing yard work and household chores helps to keep you grounded and clear. You can also try a nice salt bath before bed with lovely scented candles to help wash away the negative sludge from the day and prepare your body and mind for a peaceful slumber.
For Part 2, 2016 of this … please read further on Piercing the Veil here :Piercing the Veil -making contact