The Universe is speaking
I am always so busy and on the move, trying to get to the next station, the next place as fast as I can and get it all done in the blink of an eye that I probably miss my sigh posts. I see this in the Time Hop this morning and it is a message of a message to remind me to slow it down and pay attention. Be quiet, be still; look around and notice the little coincidences and serendipities that are right in front of me every moment.
Yesterday I spoke of all of the feathers that I have found along the my morning walks over the last year. You may have noticed all of the colors and differences of the feathers. To me they all have a special meaning. Blue Jay and Cardinal feathers are my Grandparents. They believed in signs and messages and predetermined those sign posts before they passed away so that I would know it was them when I saw those birds or found their feathers. When I find Dove feathers I think of my Mother as she fed dozens of Doves every day in her own yard. They are kind and gentle and they make me think of her Motherly love; although the animal totem she chose before her death was La Papillon – The Butterfly. Since I am so connected to the animal and bird realm, I feel their Totem Magic and when I find certain feathers from other birds I can feel that message and energy and take that advice. So it is natural for me to be a practicing Shaman, which really only means that I connect deeply and directly to everything in nature and I use the wisdom and advice from trees, animals, insects, the elements, spirits, elementals; including the Sun, the Moon, the stars and The Universe.
My family also predetermined to send Dimes to us when they have a message for us. Dimes will show up in the strangest of places and have appeared in mid-air, right in front of my face only to fall to the floor more than once. I will find Dimes on my floor when I know for a fact that I had no coin change on or near me. I will look at the date on the coin to see if it sparks a time of a memory and when I get that memory I can usually connect it to a certain person and know the message is from them. I wish when my Mother was ill I was paying more attention; I think subconsciously I was because my body knew she was declining; my mind was not comprehending. Every night she was in the hospital, I would come home and find 2 Dimes on my bedroom floor. I was certain that I had not spent any money or broke any bills and yet I was still finding 2 Dimes each night on my bedroom floor. In hindsight, I bet it was my Grandmother and Grandfather giving me warning to get ready. I did not pay attention, but I now get what was happening.
Repetitive numbers and songs on the radio are also very easy ways our loved ones and spirit guides send us messages. The numbers can correlate to a birthday, or death day or a special memory day you had with someone. When I hear certain songs on the radio they will have me remembering certain people. Sure, that all seems coincidental, but it really is not. I could tell you stories for years on all of the coincidences and serendipities that have happened to me – Because I pay attention.
These little messages are nice and they put a smile on my face, but they certainly will never replace physically being with my loved ones. Sometimes they only make me miss them even more. I have been missing my Mother, Grandmother and Grandfather so much lately that it is painful; if I let it, the pain will consume me. It must be Christmas time. Why do the holidays churn this up? Is it because I am remembering how wonderful the Season with the was and that celebrating without them just cannot compare? Even the most optimistic people (like myself) can get caught up in a whirlpool of grief during the holidays and it take concerted effort to keep myself and my soul from being sucked into that tsunami.
Speaking of songs and messages; last week, feeling a little grim, driving in my car with nothing good on Sirius Radio. I decide to switch to “regular” radio (something I do not do often). Click – Frosty the Snowman is playing on the radio and the verse playing is For Frosty, the Snowman, had to hurry on his way,
But he waved goodbye, sayin’ “Don’t cry, I’ll be back on Christmas Day.” Click-change the channel and Frosty is on again, same verse : For Frosty, the Snowman, had to hurry on his way,
But he waved goodbye, sayin’ “Don’t cry, I’ll be back on Christmas day.” O.K. that is weird I think to myself and I Click -to another station. For the third time Frosty the Snowman and the very same verse. I KNOW right away that this is no coincidence and I realize that is a message from beyond. Most likely my Mother letting me know that I shouldn’t be sad because she will be with me on Christmas. Think about it, to be in my car at the exact time and to switch to regular radio at the exact right time and be prompted to Click, Click, Click at the right time and here the same song at the same verse is beyond coincidence. There are too many variable that could have happened. That is why nothing is a coincidence when you are in the right place at the right time and receive repetitive signs.
Now, do not fret if you are not seeing and hearing clearly. You may just need to get in tune with yourself. Connect to nature, clear your aura and thoughts. Connect to the stillness that is presented to you every day and be sure to disconnect from the chaos around you and get quiet. The more you do this, the more you will connect to the Magic.
My friend Ardith reminded me this week that it is o.k. to collect the messages and wait for clarity before we act. It is alright if you cannot decipher the messages, just wait for clarity and it will eventually come to you. Confirmation for me about that message came to me yesterday, driving in the car again; once going home for lunch to leave the dogs out, once driving back to work and once again on my drive home. I heard Fugazi’s “Waiting Room”. To me that is a message that I am waiting, it is o.k. to wait and it was followed first by The Cars “Just What I Needed” further confirming that with patience and waiting, I will get just what I need. The drive home way not as jovial as “The Waiting Room” was followed by The Pixies “Monkey Gone to Heaven”. I immediately feel a wash of impending doom wash over me and I wonder “Who died”? At the red light I asked Google if anyone from the band Fugazi died (my first thought as I heard the song play three times was maybe the lead singer died and that is why three stations were playing their songs). Nope, they are all fine. I then think something happened to some one I love; I check when I get home and I find nothing and so I just have to let it go, asking for more clarity and I am sure to get it when the time is right. I just have to pay attention and hope for the best that the feeling that washed over me was false.
If this is confusing to you, just know that when you see and hear something and it strikes a chord deep within you; brings up a memory or an emotion there is a good chance that it is message. If you find yourself saying “Oh Wow, that was a coincidence”, it probably is not…
The moral to this story is, be patient, wait for clarity and Know that there are No Such Things as Coincidences.