Spider Totem
I am not sure if it is that time of year where The Spider is symbolized in Halloween scariness or that the weather is changing so Spiders are seeking the warmth and shelter of our homes that I have been seeing so many Spiders, everywhere and in my home. Big, gross, icky Spiders- bigger than I have ever seen before – and definitely getting a rise out of me. Now I usually always pay attention to Totems as signs to be mindful of their message, but it wasn’t until this past week of fighting a horrible cold and in need of tissues that I finally decided to listen up. I found a countless number of Spiders inside a box of Puff’s Tissues, all tucked away inside the folds of each tissue. At first I thought this was a coincidence – and mind you- it was a brand new box, but after the family was having the same issues with this box of tissues that I began to realize that maybe The Spider had something to say (P.S. I threw the rest of the box away).
The Spider’s message is all about creating (weaving) the life that we want. Making the right choices to best benefit ourselves and those around us. It is about being creative and open minded to the possibilities that we have to invent options and alternatives to the status quo. When The Spider appears, it is a good time to ask yourself “How are my choices affecting my life”? “How can my choices improve my life”? “How do my choices affect others in my life”? It is about accepting responsibility for what is right now and if you love it, then great; if not, you have the opportunity to do something about it. We are the weavers of our own stories and we cannot point to anyone except ourselves for how that story turns out.
Now think of that same Spider Web – it is so multi-functional. It serves as a home, shelter, food catcher, egg protector for The Spider. Take a look at how simple and intricate it is. Similar to our lives – simple and intricate combined. Think of the Spider Web when you are making different choices for your life and how you can make your Web (life) as effective as possible.
Although the card here is symbolized by the number 15 or “6” I would have made this card an “8” because The Spider’s numerology is that of infinity or “8”. They have 8 eyes and 8 legs. 8 laid on its side is the infinity symbol. 8 is the number of abundance and magic as well.
In Native American culture, The Spider, is the protector and a symbol for Grandmother. Ancient Indian cultures also called The Spider Ma –for Mother. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks symbolize The Spider as the weaver of creation. The spider also symbolizes balance as it carries a dual energy with her – both male/female, strength/gentleness, physical/spirit, past/future.
So, if The Spider has caught you in her web take a good hard look with-in yourself and outside of yourself. Realize that we weave our reality and we also have to power to weave a new reality if we are not happy with the one we are currently living.