The World has not been crazy enough in 2020; if you have not noticed we have had a barrage of Astrological and Astronomical events throughout the year. From a plethora of Retrogrades and Eclipses; both Lunar and Solar and now we have a New Black Moon coming on Monday, July 20, 2020 at 1:32 p.m. ETD or 17:32 UTD or GMT (12:32am CTD, 11:32am MTD and 10:32am PTD) in Cancer at 28°27’ and the second New Moon in the Sign of Cancer. The first New Moon in Cancer occurred on June 21, 2020 at 0°. The 0° is everything and nothing at the same time. It is as vast as the Universe. This New Moon, at 28° net 10 (2+8=10) is the next level of that manifesting magic, yet now we are considering ourselves and our hearts (1); we are bringing out those personal dreams and wishes and we are putting up a protective barrier or boundary around them.

Above is the Chart for this New Moon. Look in your own chart for where 28 Cancer falls and the aspects to it for the defining influence for you personally. If you need assistance interpreting your own chart, please go to my shop in the menu above to book a reading!
New Moons bring us a time for New Beginnings, new wishes, and new dreams. It is a New Cycle. This double dip amplifies that manifestation energy two-fold. These wishes and intentions that we are making now will continue manifesting from the thoughts, words, and energy we are putting forth NOW until the Spring of 2023 when we meet the next double New Moon in Aries. It is so important RIGHT NOW to dream big, wish even bigger; huge, ridiculous wishes. Write out that New Moon wish list. Think of how and what you want your life to look like pronto. Write down everything that you are wishing to bring into your life. This is a Sky’s the Limit type of Wish List. It is of utmost importance to banish all negative thoughts, words, aggressions from your reality for the next few days; otherwise, there is a good chance that is what you will experience over the next 2 ½ years. Some good phrases to attach to your wishes is THIS OR SOMETHING BETTER and BE GENTLE WITH ME. Do not attach to the outcome or how something may show up. It will most likely not look the way you imagined it. Be open when something new shows up, since we cannot always imagine the myriad of ways our wishes can manifest. If we have a set picture of what something should look like, we may push that away and miss the opportunity. Be aware that somethings will leave your life in order to make room for the new. This is especially true when it comes to personal transformation; you may experience digestive purging. This is also true of all the Eclipse and Full Moon energy we have been going through. If you find yourself in the bathroom more than usual, it could indicate that you are energetically purging emotions that no longer are serving you. This is a great time to make room in your home, closets and drawers, garage, and attic. Getting rid of clutter symbolically allows room for new manifestations to enter in a more controlled way versus loosing something or someone due to tragedy because new energy is rushing in, yet you are currently filled to capacity.

What to do with your Wish List? There are two schools of thought on this. I personally will write out my list, I envision while I am writing and the days leading up to the New Moon how I would feel deep inside with each wish if it were to come true. Putting the emotional excitement behind the wishes is what propels them into reality. On the New Moon, I light a small bonfire and I conduct my little Shamanic Ceremony. Before I am finished, I place my list into the fire and allow it to be carried off, into the Universe, carried off to the Angels and my Spirit Guides so that it can be manifested. I close out Ceremony then I just go about my normal life. I let it go. What is meant for me at this time, will come to me. What is kept from me is either not for me, not ready for me or being held from me for my own protection. This philosophy helps deter disappointment in general on an everyday basis. Another tip is to keep those wishes to yourself. You may be so excited you may want to share them with your BFF or Boo, but do not. You do not need any feedback or opinion from outside of your own personal and magical manifesting bubble. It is so easy for a someone else’s negative opinion to burst our bubbles, so stay hush, hush for the time being and keep your desires to yourself.
Also, be mindful of the areas of your body that may need extra attention that are related to the Cancer Sun/Moon Sign: Organs influenced by Cancer Moon Sign:
- Organs: Stomach, mucosa, ovary, womb, vagina, breast, pleura, peritoneum, lymph system, breastbone.
- These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
- Surgical operations:
- Surgical operations are not recommended during the New Moon.
Typically, a Black Moon is a second New Moon in one Month; however, I consider this a Black Moon we are experiencing a double dose of that Cancerian, quality and energy. As you can see Time and Date’s dated explanation below; even they agree that there is no single definition. Similar to the Blue Moon being a second Full Moon in one Month or in the same Sign. This is my simple explanation of bullet number 2 below, but based on that some may say the Black Moon is August 18th, however, that will be in the Sign of Leo – not a second New Moon in Cancer; this is where slight differences in Astrology and Astronomy can shift the definition just a bit.
I am focusing on the Astrological energy of a second New Moon in Cancer and the power behind that. We have been swimming in Cancerian energy since November 7, 2018, when the North Node of the Moon moved into Cancer; opposing the South Node (the past) in Capricorn, until May 5, 2020, when it moved into Gemini. It is no coincidence that we have had Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn hanging out in Capricorn this whole time either. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, bringing us the energy of work, big business, slave to the wage, religious and its religious figures, rules, government, police, dictatorships, hierarchies in business, money, capitalism, steadfastness, the father, and lastly, time. All very heavy energy that the North Node in Cancer was asking us to change, transform and be finished with. The South Node is Old Regime energy, regardless of where it is positioned in a given cycle. It is the energy that we have already carried out and lived through and we need to be finished with. While the North Node brings the new energy that we are striving for. It is easy to live in South Node energy because we have been there and done that; it is effortless; change is hard. The Cancer North Node was an introduction of the way the Universe or the Divine was pushing our collective humanity toward. With so many planets, asteroids and planetoids in a Stellium (cluster) in Capricorn, we have been continually nudged to clear these old energies, these old regimes and move more toward the Mother energy of Cancer; the home, the nest, the family and the protection that the Crab’s shell brings to those areas. It is no coincidence that we have all been sequestered in our homes, to shelter in place if you will, just like the Crab, protecting herself and her family. I saw this coming last year but could not imagine or fathom how this would show up in the World and BAM- here we are.

Whew! That leads us to two Eclipses in Cancer this past Season: one Solar, one Lunar and now the second New Moon in Cancer. From an Astrological point of view this is our last big push to integrate that Cancerian energy into our psyche, into our being and into our lifestyle. If you have been resisting this energy for the last two years, you must be feeling awfully uncomfortable, irritated, and lost. The World is moving on and we are now focusing on something outside of those old mechanisms in which we have ALL been operating under. Oh, I forgot to mention that we also have a freak Comet (Neowise) that has made itself visible during this Cancer Season; Comet’s bring a major clearing of energy – as if the Eclipses were not enough of the typical clearing energy; let’s throw a Comet on top of that. For those of us that pay attention, we know this is HUGE! Neowise has been hanging out just below Ursa Major, The Big Dipper or Big Bear. Bear energy brings us strength and courage and a stable foundation that will help us face our difficulties. Bear energy is gentle and nurturing, much like Cancer. She will protect her cubs with fierceness, also similar to the Cancer.
From TimeandDate.com: No Single Definition
There is no single accepted definition of a Black Moon. The term has been commonly used to refer to any of the following phenomena associated with the New Moon:
- Second New Moon in the same month: These Black Moons are the most common ones, and they occur about once every 29 months. Because of time zone differences, the month they happen in can vary, like the Black Moon in July 2019 (US) or August 2019 (UK).
- Third New Moon in a season of four New Moons: These Black Moons are a little rarer and occur about once every 33 months. We divide a year into four seasons – spring, summer, fall (autumn), and winter. Usually, each season has three months and three New Moons. When a season has four New Moons, the third New Moon is called a Black Moon. This is the exact counterpart to the original definition of a Blue Moon, except that Blue Moons are Full Moons.
- No New Moon in February: About once every 19 years, there is no New Moon in February. This can only happen in February, as this is the only month which is shorter than a lunar month (lunation). When this occurs, both January and March have two New Moons, instead of just one, which is the norm.
The next Black Moon by this definition will occur in 2033, while the last one was in 2014. Because of time zone differences, these Black Moons may not happen all over the world. For instance, there is a Black Moon in the most western parts of the US in February 2022, but not in Europe or Australia.
No Full Moon in February: About once every 19 years, February does not have a Full Moon. Instead, there are two Full Moons in January and March, also known as a double Blue Moon.
The next Black Moon by this definition will occur in 2037, while the last one was in 2018. Because of time zone differences, these Black Moons may not happen all over the world.