Oh man, where have I been? I had all these great plans of writing, blogging, taping and producing some amazing content during the last year; the dark year, the year of seclusion and quarantine and I « Continue »
It has been a minute…

Oh man, where have I been? I had all these great plans of writing, blogging, taping and producing some amazing content during the last year; the dark year, the year of seclusion and quarantine and I « Continue »
The World has not been crazy enough in 2020; if you have not noticed we have had a barrage of Astrological and Astronomical events throughout the year. From a plethora of Retrogrades and « Continue »
JULY 2020 Monthly Tarot Horoscopes for your Sun, Rising or Moon Sign! Monthly intuitive messages using personal intuition, oracle cards, animal totems and whatever craziness is happening in The « Continue »