The time is upon us for the Nodes to shift once again. When - December 22, 2021 at 10:15 pm EST and will remain there until July 2023 so what does it mean? I will explain what lessons this shift « Continue »
North Node Taurus South Node Scorpio

The time is upon us for the Nodes to shift once again. When - December 22, 2021 at 10:15 pm EST and will remain there until July 2023 so what does it mean? I will explain what lessons this shift « Continue »
Turquoise Spirit carries the essential meaning for storytelling, re-framing, a different way of perceiving. Each of us can experience the same event differently, because all of us are coming from « Continue »
The New Moon in Virgo at 14° is upon us and entering its complete dark phase on September 6/7, 2021. As I sit in the morning darkness on this New Moon day, the silence soothes my empathic soul. I « Continue »