This has been the weirdest year. I hardly ever write any blogs anymore; maybe it was the energy of this year. We have all changed this year; our lives have all been up ended in nearly ever corner « Continue »
July 2018 – Expect the Unexpected! Solar & Lunar Eclipses
2018 has been quite the ride; the year of Integrity (11) the year of pairs (2), bring the coming together of the right mixture of allies and balance. This has been a hurry up and wait energy and Time « Continue »
Summer Solstice the Sun moves into Cancer- are Fears holding you back from seeing the Signs? Weekly Wisdom June 17-23, 2018
Midsummer, Summer Solstice- the time of the year when things slow down and the Sun shines brightly. For my friends in the Southern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice reigns, yet it is still the slowing down « Continue »