The Full Harvest Moon occurring September 17-18, 2024, which is the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox and Mabon, holds a special place in many traditions, and when it falls in Pisces, its « Continue »
Autumnal & Vernal Equinoxes-Sun enters Libra
Balance comes back to planet Earth on September 23, 2023 at 2:50 am ET; conversely it is the Vernal Equinox in the land down under and in the Southern Hemisphere. Take note that on the West Coast, « Continue »
EQUINOX September 23, 2019
Is it Mabon or Ostara? Depends on where you live. It is hard for me to wrap my head around it being Ostara when I am so accustomed to September being Mabon; that is because I live in the United « Continue »