Is it the Hallmark Channel movies, the dread of the approaching holiday season, Sun in Scorpio filled with dark emotions, or is it Mercury Retrograde that has me reconsidering buying stock in the « Continue »
Feeling Mercury Retrograde

Is it the Hallmark Channel movies, the dread of the approaching holiday season, Sun in Scorpio filled with dark emotions, or is it Mercury Retrograde that has me reconsidering buying stock in the « Continue »
Fire allows for rapid transformation. It provides the avenue to let go of the old story and drama, to transform, to renew and to be reborn. Through fire ceremony, you honor your lessons and old belief « Continue »
Astrologers every where were speaking about Saturn turning Retrograde at 20 degrees back on April 29th, joining Pluto and his Retrograde at 23 degrees and both in Capricorn preparing us for the Rules « Continue »