Today feels like walking through a veil of fog, yet at the same time having to shield our eyes from the blinding light. Mercury, although Stationed Direct, has not moved since June 18th at 16°, « Continue »
Weekly Wisdom June 26 – July 3, 2021

Today feels like walking through a veil of fog, yet at the same time having to shield our eyes from the blinding light. Mercury, although Stationed Direct, has not moved since June 18th at 16°, « Continue »
This week I have an Angel Card Pick A Card as we are coming off the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini and entering in the second of three Squares with Saturn and Uranus. When exploring this « Continue »
There is electricity in the air waves as multiple celestial bodies and planets begin to move into the Astrological Sign of Aquarius in an unprecedented Stellium or cluster in one House or Sign. This « Continue »