Much can be said about our Chakra (Energy) System and how well we are doing in life; manifesting May with the Sun in Taurus is a good time to remind me and you to clear your Chakras! With the « Continue »
Manifesting May-Clearing our Chakras

Much can be said about our Chakra (Energy) System and how well we are doing in life; manifesting May with the Sun in Taurus is a good time to remind me and you to clear your Chakras! With the « Continue »
This week's Weekly Wisdom includes an extensive Pick A Card reading and my take on what we can expect during the Pluto Retrograde. Since Pluto is such a distant planet, the Retrograde energy does « Continue »
Did you miss today's Coffee Talk and Art Class? Have to Fear, Video is Here: Read the material list in the YouTube description, or in a previous post here or go directly to the Artist, Dawn Painted « Continue »