As the Sun moves to its most Northerly or Southerly distance from our little blue planet, we welcome again the Light or the Dark; depending on where you live or how you perceive the Season changes and « Continue »
Solstice-A Season of Change

As the Sun moves to its most Northerly or Southerly distance from our little blue planet, we welcome again the Light or the Dark; depending on where you live or how you perceive the Season changes and « Continue »
December 2019 Monthly Tarot Horoscopes for your Sun, Rising or Moon Sign! Monthly intuitive messages using personal intuition, oracle cards, animal totems and whatever craziness is happening in The « Continue »
Oh what an energetic week we have ahead of us; it is time to make our New Moon wishes! I have cards for each Sign to give us something to focus on while we learn and grow in the Sun of « Continue »