As if we haven't had enough crazy astrological energy in 2018, we are about to experience our 2nd Blue Moon this year. It is such a rare phenomenon, these Blue Moons, that's why the saying "once in « Continue »
Weekly Wisdom for March 18-24 2018 Cards for Each of the Signs!
A fresh new beginning awaits us this week with the New Moon yesterday, the Vernal Equinox, first day of Spring, the Sun moving into fire based Aries and a Mercury Retrograde, it will be a whirl wind « Continue »
Weekly Wisdom for March 11-17 2018 A New Moon and Preparation for Mercury REtrograde
This entire next week is about preparation; preparation for Spring, preparation for a New Moon, preparation for the Vernal Equinox (1st day of Spring...yes I said it twice), preparation for Aries « Continue »