AUGUST 2020 Monthly Tarot Horoscopes for your Sun, Rising or Moon Sign! Monthly intuitive messages using personal intuition, oracle cards, animal totems and whatever craziness is happening in The « Continue »

AUGUST 2020 Monthly Tarot Horoscopes for your Sun, Rising or Moon Sign! Monthly intuitive messages using personal intuition, oracle cards, animal totems and whatever craziness is happening in The « Continue »
JUNE 2020 Monthly Tarot Horoscopes for your Sun, Rising or Moon Sign! Monthly intuitive messages using personal intuition, oracle cards, animal totems and whatever craziness is happening in The « Continue »
RETROGRADE SEASON 2020 Wherever you reside on planet Earth, you already know that we have been experiencing unprecedented times. As an Astrologer, Intuit, Lightworker, I, like many others, have « Continue »