The changing of the Seasons from Summer to Autumn has me paying attention to the playful squirrels running around and making preparations for the coming Winter or Winter into Spring. Just another common animal that we often cross fairly frequently, whether you are a city dweller or living way out in the country; the landscape is colored with Squirrels and this is a good time to pay attention to this animal spirit and totem.

Squirrels are known for “squirreling things away” and saving them for harsher times. With mouths full of nuts or leaves for a soft, comfy and warm nest it is important to me to pay attention to the behavior of this and all animals that cross our paths. When we slow down enough to pay attention to the creatures that pop in and out of our day, they just may provide us with some foresight into the future of our day, week or future.
My Grandfather always paid attention to the Squirrels beginning in September and continued to watch them through the end of November. He told me that he could tell by how fat and round they were by the end of October and November, how thick and bushy their tails were just how brutal the coming Winter may be as these animals, as all animals do, have a sixth sense and they know by the subtle changes in the air and energy what is coming. If they sense a harsh Winter, they will eat and stow as much food as possible. They will build or reinforce their nests, which will be more visible once the leaves on the trees begin to fall; unless they are smarter little creatures that build their nests in the dense evergreen foliage of a Pine, Spruce or Fir tree- which would block more wind than a leafless deciduous variety. Last year the squirrels around here were very scrawny with sparse tails and I knew that Winter would be mild. However, I still supply the wild life with suet, nuts and seed to sustain them.
In the Spring, Squirrels scurry about freshening their nests for their new pups and mates; all the while, preparing. That is what I envision, when a Squirrel crosses my path “Be Prepared” they tell me. “Hurry Up”. The other messages include “Play”, “Be Playful” and “Have Fun” . Squirrels are funny creatures, they will hide their treasures in so many places they often forget 75% of their bounty, but if they see another Squirrel in an area that they “think” they hid a morsel, they will defend that area as their own, even if it is their best mate. It is a comical sight to see a Squirrel argue with another Squirrel. But, this is a good reminder that we often have more than we need and we need not be greedy. Stay focused and keep your eye on the goals in your life, but take time out to enjoy.

Squirrel is also a very social animal; they thrive with the camaraderie and social interaction with other Squirrels, you can often hear their whimsical candor as they gather tidbits or chase each other around. Spiritually, they are considered to be the messengers of the Earth plane (Birds are the messengers of the Angelic Realm). Many of the ancient “gods” kept Squirrels as pets and advisers, believing they would receive important messages from them. Irish queen Medb kept one on her shoulder and whispering in her ear, was a trusted friend. Scurrying about and bearing news and the latest gossip, ancient civilizations paid attention to the Squirrel and utilized this totem to advise them on who they could and could not trust.
In the East, Squirrels are associated with the Rat; known as the Tree Rat. Often connected to business, commerce, finance and money. The Rat was the first to the Chinese Emperor’s party and is the first of the 12 animals of the Chinese Astrological Calendar, as he took advantage of an opportune situation that help him get ahead with little effort. The Squirrel is linked with misers, hoarders and shrewd business folk. Additional messages from the Squirrel is one of prosperity and abundance and that which foretells good luck is on the way!
So take heed the next time a Squirrel crosses your path; slow down and take a moment to ask yourself what that Squirrel may be trying to tell you. Do you need to keep the focus and get back to work on your goals? Maybe you need to incorporate more play into your life. If you hear the squabbles between two furry friends are they speaking to you about the people in your life? Whatever pops into your mind when you observe them is usually the message they are sending. Will you listen?