The Wheel is Always Turning, never stopping, sometimes yearning, maybe growing or even learning, the Wheel of the Year is Always Turning– original “ism” from me -KMcG. June 20th marks another notch as the Wheel Turns to Litha in the Northern Hemisphere and Yule in the Southern Hemisphere. I know that I have written before about how I am so accustomed to my natural Northern Hemisphere Wheel and the difficulty of thinking how the Southern Hemisphere works, but we can easily see from the image above how everything is only opposite from each other and it makes sense on the Solstice when Summer is coming here that it would be Yule down below as they or you are welcoming the longest night, the return of light and we up here are celebrating Litha, the longest day. I actually get a little sad on Litha or Summer Solstice because it means that each day after June 23rd, the days will become shorter until we in the North reach Winter Solstice and the cycle continues. I really need 15+ hours of sunlight per day… who doesn’t? I love having nearly 4 1/2 hours each evening to play in my garden after a long day of work.
We have a very busy Astrological Week ahead of us. As things are either heating up or cooling down, we all go through these transits and I am expecting the next few months of Summer (for me) and Winter (for my Southy mates) to be a little intense from the energy of the Retrogrades, the previous Eclipses, the Uranus/Saturn Square, just to name a few. See what this week has in store for us:
- June 19th- Juneteenth- Freedom Day, Liberation Day, Jubilation Day- officially announced as a Federal Holiday in the United States of America; commemorating the emancipation of enslaved peoples. It took 2 1/2 years from the date of the emancipation proclamation on January 1, 1863 to June 2, 1865 for Union soldiers to ride to Galveston Texas to announce the end of the Civil War and enslaved peoples declared free. Interestingly enough, the North Node was in Libra (fairness, balance, justice) in the 2nd House of values.
- June 20th – Solstice, Sun moves into Cancer. Wanting to nurture, entertain, stay close to home or with family. Water emotions are Rules by the changing of the Moon. Time -11:32 pm EST -Sun at 0° Cancer, Moon at 9° Scorpio , not to mention Jupiter, Neptune & Pallas in Pisces. Strong Water (emotions, intuition, lucid dreaming) energy.
- June 20th- Jupiter stations Retrograde in Pisces at 2° at 11:04 am EST
- June 20th – other items to note – Moon square Pluto, Moon Trines Sun & Jupiter-illuminations! Moon square Mars could stir up some grievances, however, Venus in Cancer Trines Chiron in Aries allowing us to apply a loving salve to the heart.
- June 21st- Venus in Cancer Trines Neptune in Pisces – this is that rose colored glasses kinda of day – we could be duped as we are so hopeful and open. The Moon is hitting up Saturn, Neptune and Venus as well- this seems to be a joyous time, watery and sentimental.
- June 22nd– Mercury in Gemini Stations Direct!!!!!! still in shadow, but we are that much closer to clear communications (July 7th).
- June 23rd- Sun Trines Jupiter Rx in Pisces – Cancer and Pisces say make a wish and pay attention to your hunches- something is illuminated or gifted.
- June 23rd – Mercury in Gemini opposes Pluto Rx in Capricorn- now that our minds are coming back on line, maybe we can look at what is no longer working in our lives? Maybe we can see what could not be seen before, like the rotten support beam that you thought was holding your house up or that crack in the concrete foundation grew since last year – you can see it now and do you put a band-aid on it or replace it entirely?
- June 24th- Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn at 3° at 2:40 pm EST- make sure you are on solid footing as Capricorn Rules the knees, joints, backbone, spinal muscles, patella bones , tendons and ligaments, skin and hair. Do not rush as we are likely to trip. Steady as She/He Goes, just like a stable Goat. Now is a good time to go within and solidify what your inner values in life are in this moment. We are all fluid and so is the Goat, whether he is climbing a new mountain or diving into the depths as the Sea Goat where he initiates a new adventure. SEE BELOW FOR THE CHART.
- January 24th- Saturn Rx in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries– I see this as similar to the Mercury Pluto opposition, but on an internal and personal level. What inside foundation with ourselves just needs an overhaul?
- June 25th- Neptune stations Retrograde- come out, come out where ever you are! Secrets are unmasked, if you’ve been faking it until you make it, now is the time to step into your dream. Escapism, indiscretions and situations in relationships that we have been ignoring can longer be tolerated. The blinders are coming off.
- June 26th- Mercury in Gemini Squares Saturn Rx in Aquarius- Does the messenger of the skies, ruler of communication, commerce and escort to the underworld call out what is no longer working? The tongue is silver and it is sharp and it is ready to say what has been boiling beneath the surface since February.
- June 27th- Venus moves into steamy and sultry Leo! Let the fun and games begin.