Has Snake Spirit come slithering into your life or dreams? Symbolizing a time to heal; a time to begin anew.
Chosen as the November Card and the first of the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit from November 2018-December 2019, I felt that Snake was the perfect symbol to begin this cycle. Coming off a heavy Jupiter in Scorpio transit and a need for new vitality, Snake is quintessential guardian for Change; as this card is also carrying the number 55, which in numerology also symbolizes change and transformation, personal freedom and breaking free. There is a sensuality and zest for life in the number 5 and very Gemini-ish as it has a lust for information and learning about anything it can get its paws on.
Snake Totem means that it is a time for healing; no wonder the Caduceus is symbolized by two snake climbing up a rod, the symbol of the Medical World, that of doctors and healers alike. There is an important opportunity for healing when the Snake appears to us in our dreams and waking life. Change and transformations are about to occur; possibly an ascension to a higher level of spirituality is about to take place, an awakening if you will. There will be a period coming where it is essential to shed the old skin, break free from what no longer fits as it restricts freedom and move forward in a new better suited armor made perfectly for the next phase of your life. Increased energy will now enter your life once the transformation is complete. Like that of the Butterfly, the transformation is often painful and unpleasant; change is never comfortable until you become used to it. Like a new pair of shoes that must be worn a bit and broken in, but once they are, become your favorite adornment; for its familiarity, style and comfort.
Dreaming of a Snake can leave a lasting impression, whether positive or negative, it is a good time to look at all aspects of one’s life to see where change and transformation are needed. There will most likely be a strong urge pulling you to find the meaning of such a dream; this is one of the powerful ways Snake enters our lives; the energy within us rises up within us, bringing an awakening, a push in a new direction, a desire to seek out what needs to be sought. Some often refer to this awakening as Kundalini Rising. Mainly symbolized by physical symptoms of energy or shakti running through one’s body; electricity circulating the body, intense feelings as this energy passes through the Chakras; chills, waves, heat or cold, tremors, shaking, itching and tingling are some of the symptoms. Personal symptoms vary from person to person, but, there always seems to be a sense of dissatisfaction and yearning for personal growth and inner development. The senses become heightened; light seems brighter or darker, sound, temperature, smell and physical sensitivity are also common.
There is a sense of Magic when Snake Spirit appears; the barer of great wisdom and truth are about to enter your life and a better knowing and understanding of the Self will soon develop. It is time to call on Snake when you need strength to cope with life’s changes and losses, if you are feeling hopeless or lifeless, when you need higher self-esteem or need to know yourself better. Expect new abilities within the Self to unveil and unfold in your life when Snake is present; the truth must be discovered and soon will.
Even though I see Snake Animal Totem as a beautifully positive symbol, many in some cultures and religions regard the Snake as Evil because it was the Snake that brought wisdom to Eve and supposedly ruined all eternity for life on Earth for mankind. And why? Because the Snake enticed Eve to learn the real truths of the world and once she possessed this wisdom she was banished, along with Adam for giving into the Temptation of the sweetness of wisdom and truth. These cultures and religions still entice their followers to believe the Snake is of Satan; because the “church” does not want its followers to know anything outside of its teachings; keep them trapped in their version of the Garden of Eden.
A recent dream I had of a King Cobra emerging in my dream has me mesmerized. In the dream there was a person that said he had a “thought” of me when he saw me and that “thought” turned in to the King Cobra. How weird is that? The Cobra then became my long-since-passed Grandfather who then tried to consume me, head first. My initial thoughts upon waking was “What thoughts and circumstances are consuming me and showing up in my dream as THIS?” If you find yourself dreaming of being eaten by a Snake, you too probably have something that is consuming you and needs to be shed!
So, yes, I blindly and intuitively chose Snake Spirit for the beginning of this new Jupiter in Sagittarius transit so that we may shed the old and begin the new; to open up to new wisdom, a new perspective and open our minds to new opportunities and possibilities.
Allow the Magic of Snake Spirit to enter your life and bring new wisdom, new possibilities; welcome the changes that are coming your way as this Magic is about to take you towards your greatest adventure yet!