September kicks off deep in Retrograde Season. A time of retreat, reflection, revising, revisiting, relaxing… anything with the prefix of “RE”. Already in Retrograde as we prepare for Autumn in t he Northern Hemisphere (Spring in the Southern Hemi), is Mercury Rx in Virgo, Venus Rx in Leo, Saturn Rx in Pisces, Neptune Rx in Pisces, Uranus Rx in Taurus, Pluto Rx in Capricorn/Aquarius, Chiron Rx in Aries. Jupiter will join the Retrograde on September 4th. Venus, then Mercury will Station Direct in September, but will linger in their Shadow until the first week of October.

September also begins still in the beams of the Full Blue Super Moon (A Second Full Moon in any give month and rare occurrence) in Pisces; coming in exact on August 30th at 9:35:35 pm ET at 7° 25′, whilst the Sun is opposite in the Earth Sign of Virgo, the Sign of overall Health – physical, mental and spiritual. Virgo Season is a good time for body work, mental and spiritual work, better nutrition as Virgo Rules the stomach, intestines, digestive system which links to the immune system. The month brings many drying aspects coupled with the South Node in Libra, hydration will be key all month to keep our bodily system moving and to keep the kidneys quenched.

Here on the East Coast of the United States, this Full Moon occurs in the 11th House of Dreams, Hopes, and Wishes, also that of Friendships, Acquaintances, Humanity and the Collective. It is conjuncting Saturn, restricting or holding back our expression of the 11th House, new rules may be written regarding Humanity and the Collective. It is time for us to review our own friendships and acquaintances and maybe re-write some rule or boundaries; a revisiting of our boundaries in these areas is recommended. The Moon is placed in the 11th House suggesting that friends and acquaintances are a major feature of life, influencing us both positively and negatively. On the one hand our friends can be unreliable and changeable, failing to live up to your ideals of true friendship. It may be that your friends change within themselves and move on emotionally, or simply that they move out of town and lose contact. Either way we suffer because we may feel a sense of loss when separated from our friends. We seek a sense of security from our relationships with other people, only feeling safe when surrounded by warm and loving friends. On a more positive note we can benefit from our large circle of acquaintances who help us emotionally and financially to achieve our own hopes and wishes. We feel emotions deeply. We may seek reclusion when under stress. We have a strong empathy with our mother, maternal figures or feminine side, and need to learn our own emotional boundaries. The theme for the Full Blue Moon in Pisces is Forgive. SO IT’S TIME TO FORGIVE. Be careful that you’re not coming at life with your mind made up. This card is a reminder that it’s all an unfolding mystery and you need to go with events as they unfold. Instead of trying too hard to tick every box for your dreams to come true, fall into the dreams a little. Enjoy the moments. If you’re struggling with a manifestation, it could be that what’s blocking you is you haven’t forgiven yourself, or someone else, for something that happened in the past. To boost your manifesting powers, forgive yourself and anyone else who needs forgiveness. MANIFESTING BALANCE– Strike a balance between all your duties and what you need to do for inner peace. MANIFESTING MINDSET– Hanging on to anger is unhelpful and can be toxic. Move on and forgive, even if you don’t forget. This is your way to a brighter future.
• Add Lavender essential oil to your diffuser.
• Find a comfortable position and close your eyes.
• Call in Kuan Yin, the wonderful Chinese Goddess of compassion and mercy.
• Ask Kuan Yin for her assistance in clearing any upset so that you can find forgiveness and move on.
‘I forgive everyone who needs it in my life. It is done.’
WHEN TO MANIFEST YOUR MAGIC The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Pisces, on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) or during Jupiter’s hour.
Speaking of Earth, the Astrology is very strong in the element of Earth in conjunction with the planets either Stationing Direct or Retrograde could cause seismic activity (Earth Quakes) and super storms of hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, mudslides.
My crystal pick of the month is Smoky Quartz.
Rounding out September, we welcome the Autumnal Equinox on September 23rd and the ingress of the Sun in Libra. Stay tuned for the mid-month New Moon in Virgo forecast… in the meantime, enjoy the Stars and Cards video for all Zodiac Signs: