This is one of my favorite times of year; Scorpio Season, when the Veil is thinning and the ability to communicate with the Other Side is effortless for everyone. The creepy, the crawly, the energies that lurk in the shadows stepping beyond their boundaries and reaching out towards our dimension. It is also time for the Orionid Meteor Showers (my favorite) in the wee hours before the Sun rises. They are so easy to see as Orion is high in the sky and they are always guaranteed to put on a spectacular show.
I feel that anytime the Sun and the planets are in a Water Sign, the Veil thins allowing for psychic and intuitive communication. The reason Scorpio is so powerful and spooky is due to Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, and the energy themes that it rules such as Hidden Things, anything that we do not typically see with our eyes or feel with our senses. October 23rd the Sun moves into Scorpio, joined by Venus, Mercury, Pallas, the Vertex and the Moon. There will be a revelation of those Hidden Things an unveiling, if you will, especially when it comes to our family, safety, security, our home, our material wealth and possessions and of course, Spirits from the Other Side.
The New Moon in Scorpio on October 27th @ 11:38 p.m. EST will be exact at 4 degrees in the 4th House of Ancestors, Family, Home, the Mother, nurturing, our greatest joy and deepest sadness resides here. The 4 degrees and the 4th House would typically be ruled by Cancer the Crab, a sister Water Sign; it is protective, much like the Scorpion, protecting emotions and setting protective boundaries. Scorpio and Pluto rule boundaries, so this would be a great time to set or reestablish boundaries within the family dynamic or with those that are close enough to be considered family. Our creative passions emerge during this time, the urge to fluff the nest (home) and make it comfy and cozy. Opposing this New Moon is Uranus in Taurus also at 4 degrees. Uranus wants to shake things up and create a little bit of chaos in order to bring difficult topics of discussion to the surface; you know, those things that drive us crazy, yet we never speak of in order to keep the peace. Taurus however, wants to be on solid ground, yet also has the desire to create and express passion in the pleasures of life itself. The Moon in Scorpio in the 4th House can often be emotionally devastating, taking us to the depths of our souls and clearing out old wounds or grief. A need to escape by way of alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, gambling and sex is heightened.
In this week’s Weekly Wisdom video, I am pulling cards for each Sign and discussing how this New Moon and the House placement of each Sign and its effect. Next week, I will focus on the upcoming Mercury Retrograde on Halloween!
Here is your Weekly Wisdom – en-JOY! xoxo Kim